[REACTIONS] When They See You Wearing Their Clothes

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Scenario: Relationships could vary from close friends to married (?) couple. Thing is, they see you wearing their clothes out of nowhere and it might as well be the first time they've seen you do it. Enjoy!

Requested by HueningKamelKai. Hope you like it! And sorry it took so long.


Dann/ Jung Seungbo

- You two have been married for over two years now.

- Yet, even in the time period that you have known each other, he's never once seen you wear a single piece of clothing that he owns...

- Until now.

- It had been raining all week, and every afternoon was just getting colder and colder for you.

- Today was particularly colder.

- Unfortunately enough, you've run out of clothes to wear, too, almost all of them piled up in your laundry basket.

- And you felt too lazy to look through your wardrobe, so...

- Wearing one of Seungbo's scattered hoodies, it is!

- It took a while before he got home from work.

- But when he first saw you, he immediately became flustered and blushed.

- Then he couldn't stop smiling over how cute you looked, all small in his big clothes.

- Proceeds to approach you and give you a surprise peck on the forehead just as you failed to see him coming.

- Also proceeds to act as if him seeing you wearing his clothes is somewhat a regular occurence.

- "Good afternoon, darling. You look adorable today."

- You, of course, are surprised, because you didn't notice him coming home just seconds ago. Though, thagcould probably be blamed on the rain falling heavily outside.

- Now, you were flustered when you realized that he had discovered you in his clothes.

- And your eyes widened, but Seungbo seems to have caught on quickly.

- "Hey, now! Where are you going?"

- He had asked when you quickly stood up and started running to your room.

- "I'm going to change! You didn't see anything!"

- You shouted back, all visibly panicked and flustered.

- Your actions only made him smile even more, as he only ended up finding you even cuter being all flustered after being discovered wearing his hoodie.


Arthur/ Jang Yunho

- You two are close friend. Nothing more.

- But far from your knowledge, he actually likes you.

- So you can only imagine how flustered he'd be when he sees you wearing his windbreaker to keep yourself warm in the cold autumn air.

- He had only left for a while, actually, to get some coffee for the both of you.

- And he had left his windbreaker there because he thought it would be too hot inside the café he'd be going into.

- Yet, for some reason, after he had left you there out in the cold with his windbreaker to keep you company, somehow, he still ended up surprised??

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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