[MUJIN] The Class Crush

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"Sungho-yah~ Look, I made you lunch." The girl hands a wrapped lunch box to the boy who had just entered the classroom. Her hands are somwhat trembling as she tries to keep her composure while standing infront of the boy she likes, but it seems all her efforts would be in vain.

The boy responds with a cold look at the lunch box, his face completely emotionless, then, as if he never saw the girl, proceeds to ignore her as he walks into the classroom to his seat.

Go Sungho, also known to others as Mujin or King Mujin, is the class crush in his class, Class 3-2. He has the visuals of a fairy prince and a personality cold as ice. He rarely gives any attention to his admirers. And yet, for some reason, his admirers still like him.

Meanwhile, he's never had his eyes on anyone except for one person. And that would be you. The only girl that would never even try to get his attention.

He wonders why you aren't like the others, why you don't seem to want him to notice you, and eventually, at some point, he grew curious about you.

Suddenly, he finds himself looking towards you as he reaches his seat, and the sight he catches of you is indeed something that had somehow managed to impress him.

It isn't that late in the morning, nor is it that early, which meant that sunlight would still be streaming inside the classroom during this cool morning. And as you looked outside the window with your head resting on your propped arm and your earphones plugged in your ears, Sungho couldn't help but notice how you seemed to glow in the sunlight.

"She looks beautiful today," he thinks to himself for a while, until he realizes what he just said in his mind and he quickly shakes it away, soon furrowing his brows. "What am I talking about? I mean- She is beautiful, but- That doesn't automatically mean that I like her, right? I just find her beautiful, right? No other meaning."

Sungho finally takes his seat only to find himself observing you from just a few seats behind you while you remain oblivious up until the school bell rings and classes start.


You stand up as soon as you hear the school bell ringing, signaling lunch break, and you head towards the front door only to stop when someome suddenly stands infront of you.

You look up with an unimpressed expression to see Sungho looking at you with that usual cold look on his face.

"What's he up to?" you ask yourself as you maintain eye contact with him. You don't really know yourself what he wants to do with you and why he stood infront of you, blocking your way.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" the boy suddenly asks you and your brows furrow in confusion before you raise one of them and you fold your arms while looking at him.

"Aren't I supposed to be the one to say that?" you ask him.

This surprises Sungho. He didn't really expect you to respond to him so confidently. He had hoped that the reason why you wouldn't talk to him is only because you lacked confidence. Now he knows you actually have a lot of it, but he still doesn't know why you won't try to grab his attention.

"I'll be leaving now since you have nothing else to say," you say as you swerve to avoid him, but he acts quick, grabbing your wrist to make you stop. You then look back at him with a cold and stern gaze. "Let me go, Sungho."

Once again, the boy's eyes widen and he unwillingly lets you go, letting you walk away while he just stares. Apparently, you know his name... as it should be. But he doesn't know why he's so surprised.

What puzzles him even more is that he didn't get to say a single word to you other than the single line he spoke when he stood in your way.


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