[LOUIS] You and My First

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"You are my first. You have always been my first and I'm sure I've never fallen for anyone like I have for you in my whole life. I'm glad I met you... Min Ara." The boy wears a smile on his face as he looks at the back of the girl infront of him, but his smile quickly fades when the girl turns, and the words that come out of her mouth hit him like water.

"I'm sorry, but I think you might be mistaken... I'm not Min Ara," the girl says and Dongsik's eyes widen as he looks at her, his eyes meeting her brown ones as she looks back, neither of them breaking eye contact for a while.

That is until-

Suddenly, just at that moment, another voice is heard. "Dongsik? Uh... What is going on here?"

With wide eyes, the boy turns to the source of the familiar voice to see the very girl he had meant to deliver that speech to. Min Ara.

"Ah, how did it come to this?"


Rhythmic repeated banging on the table can be heard all throughout the café up until even the kitchen, and the source could be nothing else other than Yang Dongsik frustratedly and regretfully banging his head on the table.

"I feel so stupid. Stupid. Stupid," he says, the same word coming out with every impact his forehead deals with in his way of dealing with the embarrassing incident that just happened a while ago.

Somehow, he had managed to escape the situation by just literally abruptly running away. But he hadn't even spoken a word before doing so, and thus failed to explain to his first-love-slash-childhood-friend Ara nor to the stranger he had accidentally said his planned speech to.

An exasperated sigh excapes the boy while he rests his forehead on the edge of the table, then he goes back to banging his head on the table again.

"Uhm... hey?"

A female voice suddenly speaks up, and Dongsik raises his heaf and looks up at who spoke to see the stranger woman from a while ago looking at him with an awkward smile. His eyes widen when he recognizes her.

"Uhm... Your name... It's 'Dongsik', right?"

Almost immediately, the boy turns to her, stands up, then bows in a 90° angle, surprising the girl who steps back as she looks at him with a surprised expression. "I am so sorry! I didn't mean to- those words I said at the airport- Aish..." He ends up slumping hopelessly as he finds it hard to explain.

"N-no, it's okay," the stranger suddenly says with a frantic tone, and Dongsik looks up at her to see her shaking her hand in denial as she looks at him. "I understand. You must have wanted to confess to that girl who called your name. Min Ara... Am I right?"

The boy stands up straight, and he looks at the girl with his brows furrowed in confusion. "Yeah... I'm sorry, why did you follow me here?" he then asks her, reminding the girl of her initial goal and a look of sudden recollection forms on her face before she bows briefly and apologetically to the boy before her.

"Ah, yes. Sorry, I almost forgot." She then takes out something of her bag and presents it to the boy who wears a confused expression on his face which soon turns into surprise. "You dropped this."

Dongsik looks towards what the girl is holding in her palm and his eyes widen when he sees the necklace he had hoped to give to his first love.

It was a necklace with a thin silver chain and a blue drop-shaped pendant lined with silver hanging from it. The blue color told of a promise of loyalty and the silver symbolized the grace the boy saw in his his first love.

Dongsik quickly grabs the necklace from ghe girl's hand and inspects it before he checks his pocket and finds out that he had indeed dropped it. A relieved sigh escapes him, then he looks towards the girl who looks like she's waiting for him to say something. Probably a "thank you" which is exactly what the boy gave her. "Thank you," he says with his head bowed. "I wouldn't know what to do if I had actually lost this."

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