[CHIWOO] Smiling Sketches

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So this is a request made by yanagirenjiidealtype. I tried my best to make one based on "Picasso" and I hope you like it!


Seungjun hates art class. There were definitely a lot of subjects he hated having in their school, but art class was just the worst for him. Though, technically... there were some factors to be blamed for.

Whether it was the teacher's slow way of teaching, or how the projects and activities were always too easy (like drawing a simple circle) or too hard (like drawing a realistic scenery), Seungjun just didn't like the class. At all.

Being the star player of the school's soccer team, he would rather be out on the fields practicing rather than inside this too-white classroom, sitting infront of a canvas and trying to draw whatever scenery he found around him the easiest to draw.

He would do anything just to escape this class. Too bad his coach required for all students to have a grade of at least 80 in every subject for them to play. And grades in art class were mostly from their projects.

A sigh just escapes the boy as he soon finds himself walking through the hallways towards that dreaded room once again. They had already been informed beforehand that they would be trying to draw portraits this time, but Seungjun only found it no different from drawing sceneries. He only lagged even more as he basically just dragged his feet towards the classroom.

Then, a girl apeared at his side.

"Oh, excuse me!" she shouts, almost bumping into him as she rushes inside the classroom to avoid him.

Seungjun's eyes widen as he steps back, and he looks towards the girl who stops running and turns to him, only to make his eyes widen even more when they make eye contact.

The girl radiated a lot of good energy. Her expression shows that of surprise, but to Seungjun, he noticed how her lips were the kind that always smile, and how her eyes reflected the energy she had inside her, which is a lot, by the way. The aura she gave off is a complete contrast to his, and that's exactly what surprised him.

"Oh, sorry! I almost didn't see you there," she then says, and Seungjun snaps out of his thoughts, shaking his head a little before looking back at the girl.

"Huh? Oh, no. It's okay," he replies.

The girl just responds with a smile before bowing briefly and running off to a seat in the back of the classroom.

Seungjun watches her until she reaches her seat, then he lowers his head as he shakes it again while walking to his desk. He had never seen the girl before. Is she new? Or had he just not been paying that much attention?

Eventually, however, he reaches his seat, and he just lets his mind wander off wherever as he waits for the rest of the students and for the teacher to enter the classroom.

The waiting eventually ended a few minutes later.

"Alright, class! Let's get ready to get drawing!" the teacher, Ms. Kim announces just shortly after entering, and Seungjun rolls his eyes. The teacher always showed enthusiasm, but she always failed to show it in her way of teaching as well (which he blaims for his own lack of enthusiasm for the subject).

Seungjun then leans down from his seat, his easel already prepared infront of him as he goes to his bag to take out his equipments when Ms. Kim suddenly continues.

"Today will be a little different, though," the teacher announces, and Seungjun stops, looking up with a curious expression on his face.

"Different? What does she mean? Are we gonna be drawing each other for the portraits today?"

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