[LOUIS] Sweet Couple's Secret

162 13 9

Tw: violence



That sweet voice echoed through the hallways, making everyone turn their heads towards the source just to see you running towards the front door of Class 2-1, ready to meet up with your boyfriend, Yang Dongsik.

Everyone knows. You and Dongsik have been a couple for only two months but you both make up the school's sweetest couple. And if it isn't you going to his classroom to meet up with him whenever classes ended, it's him going to yours, bright smiles always on your faces everytime you met.

At least, that's what everyone knows.

Dongsik and Y/N, always such the perfect couple everyone would want to be. Even some of the teachers envied you.

However, what they don't know is the truth behind your relationship.

"Dongsik-ah, I heard there's a new smoothie place in town. Let's go to that one today, shall we?" you ask him, holding his arm and looking at him with innocent puppy eyes and a smile.

The boy laughs lightly at your reaction before nodding. "Sure, why not?"

Yup. That's what everyone sees. Once the both of you are out of sight, however... Well, let's just say things can get pretty messy.

"'Sure, why not'?" A silent scoff escapes you as you sit across Dongsik, pretending to focus on your phone while both your smoothies are standing on the table infront of the both of you, the both of you still in your uniforms with your bags long taken by your respective chauffeurs.

"Well, what did you expect me to say?" Dongsik asks, pretending to focus on his phone as well. "'Well, of course, babe!' Did you want me to say it like that?"

"Ew!" you immediately say, your brows furrowing in the slightest to hide your dislike of being with him lest there be any of your schoolmates watching from afar. "Oh, shut up! If you were going to do that, you could have at least done it that time to be more convincing."

"Just how convincing do you even want me to be anyway?" Dongsik replies, his brows slightly furrowing as well.

An exasperated sigh escapes you as you glance outside and note the sky's color having turned into a mix of orange and dark blue. "Meet me in the alleyway next to this shop," you then tell him, your tone sounding a little irritated as you stand up and pass him by.

Dongsik then turns to you with a smirk. "Won't I at least get a goodbye kiss?" he asks as he turns to you with his brow raised.

You just roll your eyes before placing a kiss on his cheek, squeezing his shoulder tightly in the process and almost making him shout out in pain. "Don't test my patience," you threaten him before you walk out of the place and towards the alley right next to it.

You then wait there, but after a few seconds, you hear a gun's safety being unlocked behind you and you quickly turn with your own gun, pointing it at the newcomers forehead as he does the same to you. You glare up at Dongsik who returns a smirk.

"Well, well... Looks like you came prepared as well," he says.

Unaware to everyone, you and Dongsik are actually the youngest descendants of two very rich and very powerful gangs in charge in the Seoul district. Being like this, it's only natural that your families would be rivals, even going as far as having had several bloody altercations before. And the fights never stopped.

You feared that one day, those fights could lead to the extinction of your family, and you knew you had to do something to stop it.

And then you met Dongsik. Granted, even your first meeting wasn't the best, but after knowing that you both feared the same thing, the both of you eventually decided to have a rather unpleasant deal. In exchange for peace between your families, the both of you decided to pretend to be in a strong and steady relationship thatwpuld last long enough for the families to call a truce.

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