[JAHAN] Stranded

192 11 4

Jihun look up at the sky as thunder lightly roars from afar. It looks like it would rain soon and his bus had already passed 15 minutes ago. He was just a minute too late, but of course, he still couldn't get to the bus on time. Now, he's just waiting for whatever bus passes by the bus stop he's waiting at so he could go home and finally rest for the weekend. However, with the sky getting darker with the dark clouds covering the sunlight, and him not having any umbrella at the moment, he's starting to worry about getting home.

Just as the boy had feared, the first raindrop falls, and he looks up with a surprised look on his face as another raidrop follows, and another, and another, until it starts raining moderately.

"Yup. I'm really not gonna be able to go home at this rate," he thinks to himself as a dismayed sigh excapes him and he just keeps his eyes up at the sky, watching the rain fall.

Suddenly, his attention is caught by something else when he notices someone running up to the bus stop. He turns his head to the newcomer and a curious look forms on his face when he sees a girl just about the same age as him. She's a student just like he is, but he can tell by her uniform that she goes to a different school.

You let out a low and annoyed hiss as you remove your bag from your head and try to shake off the water on it. You become even more annoyed when you notice that the water had seeped through the cloth of your bag which means all your notebooks are probably already wet now. You sigh as you defeatedly let your bag just hang from your hand and you look around. Your eyes eventually land on a boy looking at you with a curious look on his face.

You blink several times as you look at the boy, then your eyes widen as you step back, shouting in surprise as if you just saw him that very second. The boy seems surprised by your actions as he jumps where he is as well.

"Oh my, I didn't see you there!" you tell him as you try to compose yourself after whatever just happened and the boy seems to go back to normal as well. He eventually turns away from you as he goes back to watching the rain fall.

"It looks like it won't stop soon," he says in a calm voice and you look towards him, looking puzzled. "The rain," he clarifies and a look of realization forms on your face.

"Oh, y-yeah," you say as you look down at the ground, tightening your grip on your bag's upper handle as silence settles around you and you start to feel awkward. You then glance towards the boy as you notice his uniform. "Oh, so you actually go to the school just nearby?" you ask him and he turns to you.

He then nods, and even after doing so, still keeps his eyes on you as you continue speaking.

"I actually have a friend, there. Do you know Guk Seungjun?"

Jihun blinks as a memory plays in his head and he looks just beside your eyes.


"Hey, Jihun-hyung!" the younger boy calls out just as he passes through the classroom's back door and the one being called turns to him.

"Well, you're early today," Jihun tells him just as the boy reaches him and takes his seat beside the older.

"Yeah, well, that's because I didn't have to drop my neighbor off at her school this time. She decided to take the bus on her own," Seungjun explains. Suddenly, a thought pops into his mind and he looks at his seatmate with a playful smile. "Hey, hyung... You take the bus to school, too, don't you?"

Jihun's brows furrow. "Yeah? Why? Don't tell me you're gonna try and pair me up with your neighbor just because of that."

"Hyung, you have no idea what it's like! She's so clingy sometimes that even I can't handle it anymore!"

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