[CHIWOO] Smiling Sketches pt. 2

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And here's part 2 of "Smiling Sketches" as requested! Hope you enjoy!


The sun is shining moderately, a light breeze blowing through the trees that line up the park's pathway. The park was fairly filled as well, neither full nor empty. Just enough to give that relaxing feeling it's meant to give. And the people walking around the place were having quite a good time in this fair weather. In short, it was a perfect day.

And a perfect day, indeed, was what Seungjun needed exactly for this special occassion. Bouquet in hand and a thin, nervous smile on his face, he couldn't help but move back and forth restlessly on his feet as he waited.

It had been a whole two months since he first officially met you. It was just two months, but the boy already knew enough about he felt, even back in the moment when he first drew a portrait of you. He likes you. And now he's planning on confessing his feelings to you in this same park on this fine day.

Meanwhile, you're heading to the park not knowing exactly what is waiting for you there. All you know is that Seungjun had called, saying that it's something urgent and that you had to come. And, well, how could you not come?

It took you about ten minutes to get there, and as soon as you did, the first thing that caught your attention was the pretty bouquet in Seungjun's hands consisting completely of your favorite flowers. Your eyes widen at the sight, then you suddenly feel your cheeks heating up as a thought enters your head.

You already know where this is going.

"Seungjun!" you call out as you approach the boy, and he turns towards you as soon as he hears your voice.

A smile forms on his face when he sees you, smiling as brightly as you did the first time he ever laid eyes on you. And once again, his heart starts pounding. "Y/N..." he breathes out as you reach him, and he stares at you in admiration for the first few seconds. "... You're here," he then says, exhaling as if he had just seen the most wonderful thing in the world. He then looks down at the bouquet in his hands, then he looks back at you before smiling awkwardly. "H-hey, so, uhm... there's something... that I've been meaning to tell y-"

Suddenly, right at that moment, the low rumbling sound of thunder echoes above them and Seungjun stops talking, a second later looking up at the sky along with you to suddenly see it covered in dark clouds.

The boy's brows furrow at the sight. "Rain clouds? But the news forecast didn't say it wouldn't rain toda- Oh, shoot!"

Much to Seungjun's surprise, rain suddenly starts falling down in huge droplets, and everyone in the park suddenly start running towards the closest shelter. The boy's eyes then widen, and he turns towards you with that same expression as realization hits him. "It's actually going to rain!"

"It's raining," you exclaim in a slight panicking tone before you turn back to Seungjun just as he suddenly drops the bouquet in his hands and takes his jacket off, before holding it over the both of you.

He hisses in annoyance under his breath as he does this, then he looks towards you as he places his arm around your shoulder and pulls you close. "Let's go find some shelter! And quick!" he tells you.

You nod, suddenly flustered with his sudden actions before you both start walking towards the closest shelter you could find: an empty bus stop.

Relieved sighs leave the both of you as you both eventually find shelter, but seconds after that, however, you turn towards Seungjun to see him looking really really annoyed.

Nothing had really gone according to his plans today. He had also lost the bouquet he was going to give you. And now you're wet and probably feeling really cold now with the weather.

"Aish," Seungjun hisses yet again as he runs his hand through his hair before turning back towards you. You just look at him innocently with a hint of concern in your eyes.

"Seungjun..." you speak, trying to comfort him with whatever's bothering him, but he quickly speaks first.

"I know, I know... Don't be too pessimistic about everything. Just because it rained doesn't mean it's all over," he says, rolling his eyes as he ends his statement. It's the one you had kept repeating to him in all the time you two had eventually grown closer. It's also the one he's been trying to incorporate into his life ever since the first time you told him that.

But how is he supposed to do that now, when literal rain had ruined his perfect plans to confess to you?

"Sorry," he then mumbles as he looks away from you. "I really didn't think it would rain today and now I got you all wet." He sighs, then he looks down at his jacket in his hands before looking back at you to see you still looking at him with concern. "Here," he then says, approaching you and placing his jacket around your shoulders. "It's to keep you warm." He adjusts his jacket, and just as he finishes, however, he freezes when you place your hand on one of his and look up at him. "Hmm?"

Your face then breaks out into a smile, the very smile that made him fall for you the first time around, and Seungjun's eyes widen.

"W-what..." he asks, suddenly feeling flustered himself by your own actions. "Why are you-"

"I like you, too," you suddenly say, still smiling brightly at him with your hand on his.

The boy's eyes only widen even more, and he freezes again for a second before he feels his cheeks heating up and he quickly looks away, wondering if he had actually heard that right. "N-no way. You're joking right? R-really?" He glances towards you after asking that last question, hoping what he heard was right.

Do you actually? There's no way you're actually telling the truth, right?

He gets his answer, however, by you standing on your toes and placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Mm-hmm. Really," you say after a second.

Seungjun only blushes even harder with your words and actions, before he smiles shyly, then turns back to you. Still smiling like that, he chuckles, his eyes closing in the process as he finally says the words that he might have been too late to say but still wants to. "Then, if that's the case, I'll just say it now because I want you to hear it.

"I like you, Y/N."


Sorry, this is so fast-paced! For me, it is, at least. I really tried my best to put a good ending to this, but I think I'm more content with the ending than I am with the beginning of this oneshot.

Anyways, tell me what y'all think of this!

And, as always, stay safe and have a great day!

I love you all! <3

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