𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟐𝟏: 𝐀𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐠?

941 40 31

owosfordays joined the game

I opened my eyes to find myself in Tommy's base. I yawned. I must have stayed overnight again. It's been a few days since Wilbur blew up L'manberg. It's been a few days since both Schlatt and Wilbur died. We live at peace, for now. I sat up from my sleeping position before stretching. I looked around to see that Tommy was here, but I only found an empty bed. "I wonder where he went."

I pulled out my communicator to see that him and Ranboo were talking to one another. The nether, huh? I pulled out my trident. "Let's go!"

"Tommy!" I called out, as he turned around. He smiled. "[Name]!" Tommy called out as I landed in front of him. "What are you planning today?" "Well, I want to meet this Ranboo fellow." "That's right, he recently joined." Tommy nodded his head.

We arrived at the portal and stepped in. "He better not be quirky," Tommy said as I laughed. The nether was hot and I already started to sweat. "Where could he be?" I asked as Tommy pulled out his communicator. I looked around the corner to see Ranboo. Well, more like, his torso... I craned my neck up to see a tall figure loom over me. "Wow, you are so tall..." I said as Tommy scoffed. "He's not that tall."

I cover my eyes. "You're right, I'M JUST SO SHORT!" I said before fake crying. "Oh," Ranboo said as he turned to Tommy. "Is she okay?" "She'll be fine." I cleared my throat before turning back to the two boys. I smiled at Ranboo. "Hello Ranboo." He smiled, nervously before giving a small wave. "Hello."

I looked over at Tommy, who seemed to be lost in thought. Ranboo tried handing him a flower before accidentally hitting. Tommy came back to his senses. "DID YOU JUST FUCKING HIT ME?!" "NO, I WAS TRYING TO GIVE YOU A FLOWER!" I chuckled as Tommy just stared at Ranboo. "What you like flowers, Ranboo?" "Tommy..." I said as Ranboo avoided eye contact. "Yeah, I do." I smiled. Tommy holded the flower before walking. "Okay, follow me."

"So, Ranboo... how are you enjoying our region?" I asked as Ranboo averted eye contact again. "Oh, its wonderful. When I first arrived, there were a few conflicts..." He said as I raised an eyebrow. "But it's going well." I smiled. "That's good to know." I grabbed his hand and grinned. "If you ever need anything, just ask." Ranboo finally made eye contact with me and nodded his head, nervously. "Of course..."

Tommy came from behind and pulled my right hand. "Come on!" He huffed as I giggled. "Someone's jealous," I teased as Tommy let go of my hand. "I'm not jealous. You're the one who's always clingy." He rambled as I patted his shoulder. "Yup, 100% true."

"You guys see that?" Ranboo and I nodded our heads. "That's George's house." "Didn't he make that when we were fighting in the war?" Tommy nodded his head. "That's so depressing." Tommy nodded his head once again. "I think we should make it less depressing." "Okay," Ranboo and I agreed as Tommy continued to think of a plan. "I think we should rob him."

I stifled a laugh. "Rob him?" I questioned as Tommy nodded his head. We stood in front of his house and Tommy smiled. "If we're going to do this, we're going to do this right. We need all black clothes. We need to make sure that there are no witnesses." I smiled. "I can take care of the no witness part." Tommy smiled and ruffled my hair. "Hey, calm down. We just need to make sure that nobody sees." I sighed and Tommy smirked. "But you could just stab them." I gave a smile.

Tommy continued to tell the plan and we went off to retrieve everything. "I have some leather, so I think we'll be good." Tommy smiled. "See this, is why you're the best!" Ranboo nodded his head. "You must have a lot of free time." I smiled. "Oh yeah, while this guy's sleeping all the time," I motion towards Tommy, "I grind like no one ever before." Ranboo chuckled. "Well, I hope you can have a new grinding partner." I perked up. "For sure!"

"Okay, we're ready." Tommy said as we all were dressed in black. "Let's go!" He said as he started walking on the path. "Now remember, we can't have any witnesses. And if we do, we strike or flee." "I would flee." Ranboo chuckled and I pulled out my axe. "Strike." Tommy stops walking and I see Niki with one of the new people who joined the regions. "Isn't that Captain Puffy?" Ranboo nodded his head. "Yeah." I smiled as I saw the two laughing. "Let's just sneak over."

"Be quiet." "Me be quiet? You're the one who's rambling." Tommy scoffed. "That's not true." "Yes, it-" "Uh oh." Tommy said he looked from afar. Niki was staring at us and I facepalmed. I waved at her and looked at my communicator. "Tommy, why would you type Hi." "I thought it would make us look suspicious!" I huffed before typing away.

Just passing through!

I saw that Niki nodded her head before turning away from us. "Go," I told the two as they ran. I followed behind them. "Honestly, you're so reckless." I stated as we stood in front of George's house. "Okay, how are we going to do this?" "Oh my god."

"Fire? Don't you think that's a little much?" "I know what I'm doing!" "Whatever you say." Ranboo was struggling what to write on the wall and he finally put something. "You aren't even found... Ranboo, oh my god." Ranboo laughed as we went outside. "Have you heard of a fire penis?" "Tommy..." "I have not." "Well now you do!" I looked behind Tommy to see that house was on fire. "TOMMY!" I said before pointing at the fire. "OH SHIT!" The three of us started putting out the fire and once it was out, we were out of breath. "Holy shit..." I mumbled as Tommy continued to place down netherrack around the house. "This is honestly pretty stressful."

I sat down as Tommy and Ranboo were doing the robbing, my head started pounding. I groaned in pain. My vision started to blur and I was seeing white. This happened last time. Why now?

Smile seeks family,

Manipulation is key in his eyes.

Cellars will soon rise,

And one will become exiled.

The walls are bare,


Save yourself,

Understand your power.


"You're just like me, Kar.."

"...unz! PLEASE!"

"I need help, Tec..."

"Goodbye, L'm..."

"..boo...what are you doing..."

"An egg...?"

"You're lying, he can't be dead..."

"[Name]...[NAME]!" "Tommy, maybe she's tired." "I know, but we were busy and I didn't check on her." I slowly opened my eyes to see a pair of blue eyes and red and green eyes staring at me. "My head... shit..." I mumbled as Tommy hugged me. "You're okay!" I raised an eyebrow. "Of course, I would be fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

Ranboo's eyes widened. "[Name], you passed out." This time, my eyes widened. "Wait, really?" Tommy shook his head. "It doesn't matter now. Let's go hide the stuff we stole."

We went back to Tommy's house and the three of us planted the stuff in a chest under Tommy's base. As the two were talking, I left the room and sat on Tommy's bed. I rubbed my temples, looking down at the floor. "What is happening..."

"[Name]?" I looked up to see Tommy and I gave him a weak smile. "Are you okay?" I tilted my head side to side. "Eh... I just have a bad feeling..."

"Oh fuck...."

I said as I stared face to face with obsidian walls. "This is not good. Not good at all..."

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