𝐃𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐞||𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟏𝟐

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[Name] yawned and rubbed her eyes as she takes a sip of her hot chocolate she prepared a while ago. She woke up around 5 in the morning and couldn't go back to sleep. So it was an easy thing to do. She got up, logged onto the SMP, and started working on the campaign.[Name] made banners, big signs that light up made out of redstone lamps. She basically set up small details so that it screams POG2020. [Name] sighed as she stands up, taking her mug and setting it in the kitchen sink. It was 11:49 am. She wasn't planning on streaming today and felt like she should take it easy. Her mother was in a business meeting and she was bored out of her mind.

As she was scrolling through TikTok when Tommy texted her as he was streaming. 

"[Name] help-"

"What happened?"

"We're having a court session with Quackity and his running mate." 

"Who's his running mate?"

"Just hurry up and come on!" 

"Where are you guys at?"

"At the courthouse." 

"Okay <3"

Tommy smiled and slightly blushed at the heart before then realizing he was still live. He cleared his throat. "Wilbur, [Name]'s on her way." "Why is [Name] coming?" "Uh... s-she's our c-campaign manager, remember!" Tommy stuttered as Wilbur laughed. "Alright then." [Name] sighed before then giggling at Tommy's text. "Who could Quackity's running mate be? And why did Tommy need me?" She got up from her bed and logged back onto the SMP. 


Entering the game...

owosfordays joined the game

 I opened my eyes before then running up to the courthouse. I heard some screaming and I sighed. "Oh no." "SWAG2020! BABY!" I walked and crossed my arms. "What is going on here?" Everyone turned their heads towards me. Tommy smiled and ran up to me. "You're just in time!" I tilted my head as I saw George, Quackity, and Fundy standing on one side. And Wilbur, Tubbo, and Jack on the other. "While we might not have Fundy or this guy," Tommy gestures to George. "We have two things that will forever be better than them."  "Our friendship!" Tubbo yelled out in the background. "Jack Manifold!" Tommy looked up before then smiling. "We have Vikkstar and" He wraps an arm around my waist, causing my face to flush and my eyes to widen. "We have a woman." I sighed, trying to laugh and I cover my face with my hat. "Oh my god...Tommy..." 

He laughed before then pulling me towards Wilbur and the others. "Good day," Tommy says, as my face was still flustered. Tubbo laughed as he saw my face flushed and I just scrunched my nose at him. The buffoons of SWAG2020 asked for Vikkstar and I laughed. "Vikkstar is too great to be in your presence," I said as Tommy laughs. Quackity walks up to Tommy. "Tommy, you may have Vikkstar, but you know what I'll have soon?" "What?" Tommy sneered. "KSI." My eyes widen and Tommy looked at him before then slamming his hands on the podium. "SURELY NOT!" 

The first debate was between Wilbur and Quackity. The two argued for a while as I was sorting my inventory when I noticed Tommy getting up and walking up to Karl. I tilted my head in confusion as Tommy came back and sat next to me. I poked his shoulder before then raising my arm, signaling what was up. He shook his head and placed his fingers on his lips, telling me to stay quiet. I rolled my eyes and turned away from him. Then I felt a hand around my shoulder and I blushed to see that Tommy had scooted closer to me and was now wrapping his arm around me. I smiled before then snuggling in and trying to absorb his warmth. 

"I've decided that Wilbur won this." My eyes widen and I shot up as Tommy smiled. "AGREED!" He exclaimed before then standing up from his seat once again. The people of SWAG2020 were confused while Wilbur seems happy. "Thank you, Karl," Wilbur said, proud on the podium. 

Few minutes pass by and SWAG2020 didn't seem to have any policies written. I cleared my throat, grabbing everyone's attention. "If you don't have policies, what kind of country will you be running. Making up on the spot? That seems very unprofessional to me. I settled with POG2020 because they know what they aim for." Tommy smiled at me and Wilbur nodded his head towards me. A sign of appreciation. Quackity was at a loss for word before then Tubbo goes up to the larger podium to ask the questions for Tommy and George's debate. 

Quackity tries to retaliate before then being silenced by Big Law. "HEY! HEY! Are you done with your pissing contest!?" I cover my mouth, holding back my laughter which fails, leaving me to giggle as everyone else laughs. "It is now time for Tommy and George's debate," Big Law says. Quackity turns to Big Law. "Is it alright if we have a talk with our running mates?" Big Law nods his head. "JUST DON'T TOUCH THE DOOR?!" Big Law screams out. Wilbur gestures me to follow and I smiled, walking towards them. I saw Quackity stare at me, shocked and I stuck my tongue at me as I joined the room with Wilbur and Tommy inside. 

After closing the doors, Tommy looked at Wilbur. "Wilbur, I think you should have let me talked more with that." Wilbur covered his face. "Tommy, I don't think I should of. Tommy, I'm really worried about you here." I placed a hand on Wilbur's shoulder. "C'mon Wilbur, I think Tommy's got this. Have some faith in this." "I-it's just that George is a smart man." "He's not," Tommy says, butting in. I let out a laugh. "Wilbur, watch me fly. Watch me, fly." "Tommy, you've seen everything I've done. How I debate. When I wrote the book of Independence. Tommy, I believe you." "Then trust him-" "I'm worried that the fire in his heart will overtake him, [Name]." I stood silent. "It's okay, Wilbur. I've already done that in the past. With arson and shit." Wilbur stared at Tommy. "Make me proud, Tommy." 

Wilbur went out first and I grabbed Tommy's sleeve causing him to stumble. "What, [Name]?" I bit my lip. "You can do this, Tommy." Tommy smiled. "I know I ca-" I kissed his cheek before then walking back to my seat. I looked back at Tommy, who was staring and me with blush on his cheeks. I smiled and gave him a thumbs up. He smiled back before then walking to his podium.  

Everything was starting off smoothly until things started getting aggressive. Apparently, Tommy bribed Karl to rig the first debate. I sighed as Wilbur was lecturing Tommy. I furrowed my eyebrows, still angry at Quackity for hitting Tommy. I mean, Tommy hit George for a reason. What would you do if a 23-year-old walked up to you, all up in your face. 

This got even worse. I rubbed my temples before then stepping outside the courthouse to get some fresh air. "[Name]?" I turned around to see Fundy, coming out of the courthouse as well. "Hi, Fundy," I said, waving at him. "It's getting fired up in there." I nodded my head. "Men. They don't even argue right. I almost wish that I started my own presidency." I said, jokily. "Then join me," Fundy said, with a smile on his face. My eyes widen and I shook my head. "No. As much as I want to, and I don't really care, I stand by Tommy's side at all times. That was our deal." Fundy sighed. "Alright then, I tried my best. I'll see you back inside." I nodded my head as Fundy left. I looked up and stared at the stars. "So pretty..." 

I went back inside only to see Dream shoot an arrow at Tommy. I fumed with anger and ran up to Dream. I threw a splash potion of harming towards him and pulled out my netherite sword with sharpness 5 and fire aspect 2. I kept swinging and held up my position as the others were yelling. "YOU CAN'T JUST KILL HIM!" I yelled out as Dream ran out of the courthouse. I gritted my teeth and looked at everyone else in the courtyard. I took a bite out of my golden apple. "Anybody else?!" I exclaimed as everyone back away from me. I rolled my eyes. "That's what I thought." I gathered Tommy's things and jumped off the courtyard and into a lake. I rushed back to Tommy's house only to see he had already left. I sighed and laid on his bed, after placing my bag down. 

I felt a shake from my right arm and I fluttered my eyes open. "[Name]!" My eyes met with blue ones and I smiled before then hugging Tommy. "Hi~," I said, sleepy. "Do you have my stuff?" I nodded my head as I pulled Tommy into the bed. I wrapped my arms around him more tightly and snuggled in the crook of his neck. I felt him move around a little bit, before then wrapping his arms around me. "Thank you for helping me, [Name]." I smiled. "No problem, Tommy." 

AHJDAJD:ODJ I TRIED WRITING FLUFF! HOW DID I DO!? Also, tomorrow is Thanksgiving for us, Americans so uh I might be posting another tweets chapter. I really like writing in-game version. :)

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