𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬...||𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟏𝟓

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Entering the game...

owosfordays joined the game

I opened my eyes, breaking myself from my daydream. I was I think what you call streaming... weird daydreams. I shook my head and started walking around L'manberg. I was walking around near the podium when I heard someone say my name. "[Name]!" I turned around to see Tubbo. I smiled and ran to him and ruffled his hair. "Hi, Tubbo!" He pouted. "Why do you ruffle my hair like a child? You're the youngest here!" I giggled before then shrugging. "It just feels right." Tubbo laughed and ruffled my hair. I laughed and pulled away, grabbing his wrists. "Stooppp~ Anyway, have you seen Tommy?" 

Tubbo nodded and pointed to the White House. "He's with Wilbur, inside." I smiled and gave him a thumbs up. "Thanks, Tubbo! See you later!" He smiled and nodded his head. "Bye [Name]!" I ran towards the White House and opened the door. I could hear Tommy's voice and I smiled when I saw him coming down the stairs. "Oh, [Name]!" He said, running up to me. I smiled. "Hi, Tommy!" I saw Wilbur come down and smiled at me. "There's our campaign manager! Do you have everything?" I nodded my head.

"Last night, I set the projector to play the video of our endorsement. Didn't you say you were getting someone else?" Wilbur nodded his head. "Yes, he's still traveling to get here. But I think he'll be here soon." I nodded my head. "Good, good." I clapped my hands together. "Then we're all set. Nothing could go wrong!" 

Tommy wrapped an arm around me. "See... everything's going to be okay." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah.  Whatever. Let's just wait for people and the other party to arrive and we'll be all set!" Wilbur smiled and nodded his head. "If they don't show up, does that mean we win by default?" Tommy asked and I shook my head. "Not really, but it would look bad." 

Quackity finally showed up and Wilbur explained to him that tonight was going to be like a rally. "We'll talk about what we do when we're president. Drop our endorsements. Do you have any endorsements, Quackity?" I sighed. 'Let's not fight right now.' I shook my head and walked away towards Fundy's tower, setting up my laptop and the projector. I heard shuffling and I turned my head to see Fundy in a suit. "Fundy?" Fundy froze in place before then turning around to look at me. "[N-name]! I d-didn't see you there." I raised an eyebrow. "I used the front door. You got my note about me using your tower to help for the rally tonight." Fundy nodded his head. "Yeah, I did."

Silence. I raised an eyebrow. "What's with the suit?" Fundy looked at his suit and smiled nervously. "Oh, you know! I thought I would dress fancy for the rally." I deadpanned and crossed my arms. "Alright. What's up? What are you doing?" Fundy sighed and walked over to me, sitting down. "I'm getting ready for the rally. You know Coconut2020..." My eyes widen and I crouched to his eye level. "But Fundy...you know that the ballots are closed." Fundy clenched his fist and hit the ground. "I KNOW!" He pulled his legs to his chest. "I know... I just... I want to prove to Wilbur, my dad...that I could be something. And not just his 'little champion.' I mean, even you got a role to play with as the Secretary of Defense and Agriculture! Meanwhile, I didn't get anything. I just want to prove myself." I frowned before then smiled sadly. 

I sighed. "Well, I won't stop you. Even if I'm the campaign manager, you're still my friend. Whatever happens, it happens." Fundy smiled and hugged me. "Thank you, [Name]." I hugged him back and patted his back. "Yeah, yeah. I know. Now," I let him go and stood up. "You better get ready." Fundy nodded his head. "Right. See you in a while." I waved goodbye and finished setting up. 

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