𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡||𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟏𝟔

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"THEY'RE WHAT?!?!" I screamed out as I was taking shelter at Eret's castle. Eret provided me with sanctuary and news about L'manberg. Yeah, remember when I went into the forest? Punz and Ponk were already there. So I bolted to the holy lands. That's when I stumbled upon Eret. 

After the adrenaline ran through my body, I ended up in the holy land. I was hiding until I heard a voice behind me. "[Name]?" I turned around and pointed my sword at the person's face. When I saw it was Eret, I glared. "Eret..."  He raised his hands up in defense and dropped his sword. "[Name]. I mean no harm." I gritted my teeth. "That's what they thought as well but turns out you were a traitor." "[Name], please..." He took off his glasses. My eyes widen and I saw that he had pure white pupils. "Let me help you."  I gripped my sword before then moving it away from his face. "Fine." 

"They're tearing down the walls." My eye twitched and I punched the wall in anger. My fist was bleeding, but I didn't care. Eret's eyebrows furrowed and sighed. "Let's patch you up." I shook my head. "No, I have to find Tommy." Eret raised an eyebrow as he looked around his chests for what I'm assuming is bandages. "Have you tried reaching him through the communicator?" I shook my head. "No, before I could, I'm assuming Schlatt sent Punz or Ponk remove Wilbur and Tommy out of the system. I could probably create a new program without the leaders of L'manberg, finding out," I said as Eret walked over to me and started putting ointment on my hand. I winced in pain. "I was trying to help them out earlier but..." "They didn't trust you."

Eret nodded his head and looked down in disappointment. "I don't blame them. You did remove one of their lives. And you know everyone in this world only has 3 lives...and Tommy's on one." I clench my hand into a fist as Eret wrapped the bandage. "Didn't Wilbur lose another one?" My jaw dropped and I looked up at him. "Oh my god. You're right." I stood up and grabbed my bag. "That means I have to go now." "But [Name], they're still looking for you. Schlatt wants you in his office." "Well, that old man is never gonna have me. I'm not property." Eret sighed before then going to his chest, pulling out a bag of food. "Take it. If you find the two, this will last for about two weeks." I nodded my head. "Thank you...Eret." 

He smiled and ruffled my hair. "Take care, kid." My eyes widen before then smiling. I gave him a quick hug before then running to the behinds of the castle. I was walking along before then hearing rustling. I looked around with my sword and shield up. I stayed quiet and I saw a skeleton horse appear along with its rider. My eyes widen and I dropped my sword. "T-Tommy..." I stutter out as he climbed down from his horse. "[Name]..." He ran up and hugged me. Tears filled my eyes and I wrapped my arms around him. "Tommy, I was so scared. Because you're on your last life and..." "Shhhh... it's okay. I'm okay..." 

I then heard a cough from behind him and I lifted my sword. "Who are you?!" I yelled out as Tommy lowered my arm down. "[Name], [Name]! It's okay. He's working with Wilbur and me." I looked at the man, standing in front of me. He had long pink hair and pig ears. He wore a crown on his head and was wearing a robe. "Uh... my name is Technoblade." "[Name], this is Techno. My brother." My eyes soften. "Brother..." Tommy nodded his head. "Yeah, he's the oldest. Wilbur the middle child, and I'm the youngest." My eyes widen. "WAIT, WILBUR'S YOUR BROTHER!?" Tommy covered my mouth and laughed. "Yes, now calm down. Let's go back to the base." 

My eyes soften. "You guys already started a base?" Tommy nodded his head. "Yeah. Wilbur found a big cave/ravine thing and we live there now." I smiled. "I brought most of my stuff with me. I also got disconnected from the communicator." Tommy tilted his head before then getting angry. "Schlatt must have fucking cut you out from communicating with others. Why the fuck would he do that?" I gripped on his shirt. "He wants me to be his bodyguard." Tommy furrowed his eyebrows. "Is he fucking mental? He knows you won't listen." "I guess not because Punz and Ponk are looking for me." Tommy sighed before then getting on the horse. "Doesn't matter. Let's go." 

Too much happened and now the three of us were waiting for Wilbur to come back. Meanwhile, Tommy was enraged. "MANBERG!?! WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF NAME IS THAT!?" I looked down and stared at the stone around me. "This isn't right." Tommy let out a 'heh'. "You can say that again.

Wilbur arrived and we explained to him what happened as we traveled here. Ponk tried to attack us but failed when he saw me. "Tommy, we can't trust anybody." My heart dropped. Wilbur then turned to me. "[Name], I know where you're loyalty stands. And that is with Tommy." I nodded my head. "Of course." He let out a sigh. "You're safe." I smiled as Tommy wrapped an arm around me as the two spoke with Technoblade. 

"Tommy! I can't just let the three of you go to L'manberg!" Tommy frowned and placed his hands on my shoulders. "You have to stay. I don't want you near Schlatt. He might still want to take you." I gritted my teeth as Tommy ruffled my hair. "Plus we have the Blade with us. It'll be okay." I sighed. "Fine, I'll stay." Tommy smiled. "Good." Wilbur handed me a list of things he wanted me to do. "[Name]. I hope you can stack us up again just like last time." I nodded my head and saluted. "You got it, Mr. President." Wilbur smiled and the three of them left. I sighed and I got to work. 

A few hours later, they came back and I was almost done making an area for an arena and a farm. My ears perked up as I heard footsteps and I went to greet them. "Did you get the visa?" Tommy smiled and lifted it up. "Be ready [Name], cause Ninja's coming." I nodded my head. "You got it!" Tommy smiled as the other two went off to start working. Tommy led me up to see the night sky and I smiled as I sat on the hill with him. "What happened after we left?" Tommy said as I was eating carrots. "Well, after you left, Schlatt told me about the bodyguard thing. And when I refused, he sent Punz and Ponk after me. I drank a potion and went back home to pack. I was then gonna go into the forest but Ponk and Punz beat me there and I ended up in the holy lands. And then..." I hesitated before then continuing. "Eret-" "ERET?!?" "Found me and gave me some shelter and food before then letting me go to find you. And that's when I found you."

Tommy grumbled under his breath. "Whatever." I giggled and leaned on his shoulder. "Aw, was big man worried about me?" Tommy's face turned red and he looked away. "I- yeah. Yeah, I was." I smiled and hugged him. "Well, now we're back. The promise stands forever." Tommy smiled and laid his head on mine. "Yeah, I know..."

DRISTA THE SEQUEL PEOPLE! ALSO, THINK TOMMY'S GONNA TAKE HIS LAST CANON LIFE! ;-; I was watching Karl's stream with Pokimane. It was kinda cringe. MCC was amazing. THANK YOU FOR 20K! Very much appreciated. :) 

Also here is me in a semi Sapnap cosplay

Also here is me in a semi Sapnap cosplay

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