𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐰𝐨||𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟒

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"You should probably get going bitch boy!"

"See you later, woman."

With Tommy in the lead, Tubbo and I followed him around. I smiled. "These structures are so beautiful," I stated as Tommy turned around. "They're all mine, you know. I made each and every one of these buildings." I laughed before then raising an eyebrow. "Oh really? Then where do you live?" Tommy looked at Tubbo with panic eyes, and Tubbo sighed. "Follow me, woman. Follow me." I smiled as Tommy took me to a dirt house and I deadpanned at him. "Is this your house?" Tommy shook his head. "No, no. This is just.. my uh shed!" He took me to the back of his shed where there was a railroad.

The 3 of us follow the railroad and we ended up at a house near the ocean. Tommy opened the door. "This is my man cave." I laughed before raising an eyebrow. "Man cave." Tubbo laughed. "Yes, everything in here is very very manly. Like, look." Tommy points to the cow in his house. "This is Henry. He is very very manly." I gushed in excitement. "Aww!! He's so cute!" I ran over and just started to pet him.

Tommy yelled from behind. "He's not cute. He's tough. He is a man." I laughed. "Of course, of course." Tommy sighed before then turning around. "Come on. Let me show you L'manberg." The 3 of us went back and we stood in front of L'manberg. I looked at the ground nervously. "Tommy. Are you sure I can come in here..?" Tommy and Tubbo stopped their tracks. Tommy turned to me. "Oh right. I forgot you're an American."

I laughed. "You're born in a non-European country and this is your consequence." Tommy and Tubbo laughed. "Tommy, why don't we just help [Name] build her house?" Tommy nodded. "That's a good idea." Tommy turned to me. "All right woman. Where do you want to build your home?" I looked around before then seeing an empty hill. I pointed to the hill. "Right there."

As we all started to collect wood, I started to ask questions. "So, what's been happening on the server?" Tommy grunted. "Oh [Name], you have no idea." Tommy starts explaining this war he started with Dream. As he finished explaining, we were about done with gathering materials. "So wait, you're telling me. This war is for discs." "It's not just discs! I spent so much time finding and collecting those discs."

I laughed. "Okay. I understand Tommy. But now! We weren't allowed to make drugs! So that's why we build L'manberg. To sell all the drugs and have freedom." I nodded my head. "I see. And let me guess, Dream was opposed to that." "YES! COULD YOU BELIEVE THAT?!" I laughed. "That is why Wilbur and I started a revolution and we are at war with Dream." I smiled. "That's sounds exciting. I hope you guys win."

Tommy smiled and stood up blushing as he threw his can of diet coke in the bin. Chat was shouting "Simp" as well as [Name]'s chat. [Name] laughed.

"Anyways, I wish I could bring you into L'manberg, [Name]. We need more women in our country." I laughed. "We have Niki!" Tommy and I busted out laughing after hearing Tubbo just speak for the first time in a while. "TUBBO WHAT THE FUCK?!"

I smiled as we finished the house

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I smiled as we finished the house. I turned to Tubbo and Tommy before then hugging both of them. "Thank you guys so much for helping me!" Tubbo laughed as Tommy stayed quiet. "No problem, [Name]!" Tubbo said as I let go. "Well, I. You're welcome, woman."

The discord chime went off, alerting the three streamers that someone joined the call. Tommy looked at his screen to see that Wilbur joined the call. "Hello, Wilbur." [Name] smiled. "Hi, Wilbur." "Hello." "Tommy." "Yes?"

Wilbur Soot joined the game

"You didn't let [Name] come into L'manberg right?" "Right." "Oh good! Then hello [Name]! What have you three been up to?"

Wilbur was coming towards our directions and I smiled. "We just finished building my house here." Wilbur nodded his head. "I see, I see. Well, Tommy, Tubbo. I need your assistance with something. Could you two just follow me?" "Alright. Bye [Name]!" Tubbo said as he waved goodbye to me before then following Wilbur. I stared at Tommy before then smiling.

"You should probably get going bitch boy!" "Don't call me that," Tommy said as he sighed. I laughed. "Haha, sorry. I guess I'll see you later. Right, Tommy?" Tommy smiled at me before then handing me a poppy. "See you later, woman."

Tommy left the call, and [Name] was blushing as her twitch chat was gushing about their moment and some saying "ooo~" like 7 year-olds in a classroom when some kid would get in trouble. [Name] laughed. "My simping has been paying off! Right, chat?" The discord chimed again and [Name] tilted her head. "Hello?" [Name] questioned. "Hello, [Name]."

Her eyes widen. "Dream?" The man laughed. "That's me." [Name] laughed. "Oh hi. It's strange hearing your voice, speaking directly at me." Dream chuckled. "Hahaha, you'll have to get used to it!" [Name] took a drink of her orange Fanta. "So what did you want Dream?" "I was wondering..."

"Do you want to join my team for the war?"

Tommy hit 2M! So happy! Also, who's ready for MCC and Dream's Deal or No Deal with Tubbo???

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