Chapter 56: Beg of You

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When I reached my destination a few minutes later I stopped within the trees and bushes staring at the castle like mansion. I know I was hesitating, but could you blame me? I mean this is Naraku Ichiyo I'm about to talk to, he's the King of vampires and you can't reason with a king.

"Who goes there!?"

I turned around quickly and standing in front of me were two of Naraku's gaurds. "Damn it." I silently said to myself with a little disappointment that I got caught. I quickly raised my hands to let them know I was unarmed.

"Who are you?!" One of the gaurds demanded.

"I'm here to speak with Naraku Ichiyo." I said.

"Why do you want to speak with our king for and another thing how do we know you're telling the truth?"

"I'm not here to do harm to your king, I just need to talk to him." I said. "It's really urgent..."

Both guards wrapped their hand around the hilt of their swords not saying anything.

Oh please don't...I don't feel like having to fight anyone. I thought. I just came here to talk with Naraku.

"Itachi, Urah! What is going on?!" A voice behind me demanded in a sort of threatening voice.

The guards--Itachi and Urah--removed their hands away from their swords and bowed on one knee with their heads down.

I looked behind me to see Naraku himself standing before me. I stepped back, looking at him his glare was certainly intimidating.

He looked at me. "Aren't you the one I saw at the mall the other day, what are you doing on my land?"

I didn't say anything.

"SPEAK!" he demanded.

I jumped a little at his threatening voice and got on my knees with my head down bowing at his feet. "Y-yes I am the one you saw at the mall...and why I am here is because I have something urgent to ask of you..."

Naraku looked down at me. "What is it?"

I looked up at him Here goes nothing. "King Naraku...I beg of you please return Tsukiko back...we need her...well her brother needs her more then we do...he's so hurt by Tsukiko leaving and not coming back that he let his emotions get the best of him and now he's on the verge of killing humans...and only Tsukiko can stop him...please I beg of you let Tsukiko come home even it's just for a little bit...we need her help in stopping her brother before he hurts anyone....please...." As I was speaking I could feel myself on the verge of tears. I knew that tears wouldn't faze Naraku, but it was worth a shot.

Naraku didn't say anything he just looked down at me.

Oh god is he going to kill me? I closed my eyes and put my head down. Well I tried...I honestly did it proves how heartless this man is.

"You really believe that Tsukiko can save him?" Naraku asked surprising me.

I opened my eyes and looked up at him. "Y-Yes...I do believe that."

Naraku sighed. "Alright....Tsukiko!"

W-what's happening here?

A minute later Tsukiko was right by Naraku's side. "Yes Naraku?" She looked down at me, but didn't say anything.

"What is your name?" Naraku asked me.

"A-Annabelle..." I said.

"Well Annabelle...I will help you..." Naraku said and took Tsukiko in his arms lengthening his fangs and bit roughly into Tsukiko's neck.

Tsukiko gasped and closed her eyes "N-Naraku...."

A minute later Naraku pulled away and held Tsukiko in his arms moving her hair away from her face. Then Tsukiko opened her eyes and stood up straight looking around. "W-What happened..?"

"Tsukiko.." Naraku said.

Tsukiko looked at him. "Naraku..." She looked away from him and looked down at me. "Annabelle? What are you doing here?"

I didn't say anything I just looked at her tears forming in my eyes. "T-Tsukiko.....?" She remembers me, she literally remembers me. I couldn't take anymore I let the tears fall from my eyes and I started crying.

Tsukiko knelt down in front of me. "Anna what's wrong why are you crying?"

I got up and hugged Tsukiko tightly crying into her shoulder. "Tsukiko you're back, you're really back."

"Um..okay?" Tsukiko said as she hugged me. "Anna i'm sorry for whatever I did to upset you."

I pulled away wiping the tears. She still doesn't remember why she left. I guess Naraku only gave her the memories of her family back not the reasons why she left or was gone. "It's okay Tsukiko, but you have to hurry with me now."


"It's Kioshi he's about to do something that he will never be able to take back." I said then sighed. "He's about to go Rogue Tsukiko."

Tsukiko stood up quickly. "Where? Hurry and take me to him."

I nodded.

Tsukiko looked at Naraku "I'll be back soon. I have to go and help my brother." She placed her hand on his shoulder and kissed him thats when I noticed the ring on her finger

Naraku nodded. "Go I'll be waiting for your return."

Tsukiko nodded. "Okay..Come on Annabelle." She took off tunning into the woods.

I looked back at Naraku "Thank you." I said and followed after her.

That ring on her ring though. It looked almost like a....No it can't be....she couldn't to Naraku....

Could she?

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