Chapter 25: BloodLust.

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When I awoke this morning I felt good, I felt like a new man I thought I was dying because of my sudden change in my attitude, but then the memories of my wonderful activities with my little pet came back to me cause my dick to twitch a little in my pants.

   I looked down beside me seeing that my little pet was curled up sound asleep the blanket had been kicked off exposing her naked body it took me every ounce of my energy to not take her right there and now so to keep that from happening I reached over and pulled the blanket up to her chest covering her big delicious full boobs.

Then I moved her hair out her face and saw the tiny bite holes on her neck from where I bit her while she was riding my cock up her ass. Her blood tasted so powerful when I tasted the first time to remove the curse it tasted so good it was almost intoxicating. This time when I bit her I erased some of her memories I don't know which ones but I guess we'll find out sooner of later.

I sighed quietly to myself thinking I had a lot of work to do before my little pet woke up. I carefully got up off the bed making sure I didn't wale her up and when she didn't stir I stood up fixing my clothes before walking out the room closing the door silently and carefully behind me.

I headed a little ways down the lonely hallway until I came to a stopped coming face to face with the  wall and pushed it in reavling a flight of stairs that lead down into darkness, but in reality in lead down into the dungeon. I walked down the stone steps letting the door swing back shut into place and headed down into the darkness until after bout 30 more seconds of walking down the steps of group of bright yellow-white light shown through the opening at the end of the steps.

I stepped through the light in the opening and stood there with my arms crossed "Well...Well yall don't look too happy."

Rengi and Kuro looked up at me as I slowly emerged from the shadows. Their bruises were clear as day on their bodies, their cuts were still bleeding and some parts of their clothes were torn. I had to say I gave them a pretty good beating, buy why wouldn't I? I had a reason to they violated my little pet used her like a whore and she is my whore only I'm allowed to touch her unless I tell her to pleasure someone else.

I walked around the tables they were strapped to glaring down at them and they looked up at me with true fear in their eyes.

Good...they need to fear me. I thought.

"Tell me...why did you think it was a good thing to violet my pet like that?" I asked them stopping in between them.

"That little bitch of a whore deserved it!" Rengi snapped narrowing his eyes, but started wheezing a bit. I probably had busted a lung when I punched him, but I didn't care.

"Exactly!" Kuro jumped in "Because of that slut you killed two of our comrades!"

I narrowed my eyes frowning at the words they were calling her. I walked over to the wall that stored a variety of knife and blades. I took two off the wall holding one in each of my hands and turned around glaring at them then grinned as they looked at me with they look of fear and began shaking.

"Now.."I said walking towards them stopping in between them "Care to take back those words?"

Renji scoffed, but trying to hide the face that he's clearly scared "Why should I? Everything that I said is true..That bitch it nothing but a whore. A whore that fucks any man she sees just for blood."

"I'M NOT LIKE THAT ANYMORE!!" a voice snapped from behind me.

I turned around quickly and was a little surprised to see my pet Tsukiko standing there at the bottom of the steps her arms crossed. Did she follow me? I thought. I could have sworn that she was asleep when before I left the room, but I guess she was faking.

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