Chapter 3: Must Remain Secret

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"So what did you want to talk to me about?" Raiden-Aneki asked as we stopped on the side of the school building shielded by the shady trees.

I frowned "What the hell was that back there?"

Aneki raised an eyebrow in confusion "You mean with Harima? say what he did to Maya--"

I cut him off "I'm not talking about with Harima...I'm talking about back at the house between you and Maya-neechan. You almost let the curse slip out."

Aneki looked down at the ground "Oh.."

I sighed rubbing my hands through my hair "Aneki...what were you thinking? You know we can't tell her about the curse."

"I know that." Raiden said. "It just slipped out."

" need to be careful you're lucky I was there to stop you and convince her to drop the subject."

Raiden didn't say anything he only continued to stare at the ground.

"Aneki do you remember the first time she found out the truth?" I asked.

Aneki nodded. "How can I?"

"Well do you want her to go through that again?"

Raiden looked up at me wide eyed "Oh course not!"

When Maya-neechan  first found out about her curse long ago like about 4 years ago she became completely depressed knowing the fact at night she actually kills people just for their blood.

And basically she tried to kill herself, but lucky Raiden-aneki and I stopped her in time; however, she did leave a deep cut on her left arm starting from her shoulder to her forearm.

That's how she got one of her scars. The other one on her back is a different story all together.

Anyway then we had her memory blocked so during the Daylight she doesn't remember what happened that night to keep her from doing the same mistakes again.

I looked at Raiden with a serious look "That's why it MUST remain a secret no matter what. Maya-neechan must never find out."

Raiden nodded "Understood."

[Okay that's Toma from the Anime called Amneisa...and he's playing Kioshi....AIN'T HE HOT??!! ---->]

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