Chapter 61: Hospital

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I can't remeber the last time I felt so happy. Truthfully I don't even think that I have ever been this happy in my life. If i take a look back on my life I started out as the most hated, viscious and blood thirsty Vampire in all of Japan with a 500 milion yen bounty (which I still currently have) who was cursed and had sex with any guy just so I could get their blood then I was captured by Naraku and was originally going to be killed by him, but instead of was made into his slave.

However now I'm married to him and also having a child by him. Ironic huh? But it's a nice Ironic.

I sighed smiling a little as I went down the isle of the baby section of the store. Nijima told me when he checked me last month that I was having a girl. And I promised myself that I would absolutely not let this girl of mine grow up the way I did and be the way I once was.

"Excuse me."

I looked over and saw that a woman with a shopping cart was trying to get by. I moved up. "Oh I'm sorry."

The woman smiled. "Oh it's already." She stood beside me. "How far are you?" She asked motioning towards my stomach.

I ran my hand over my stomach. "Oh um..2 months."

"Girl or boy?"

I smiled. "A girl."

The woman smiled. "Oh that's nice Congratulations. Yeah I'm looking for something for my sisters baby shower."

"Thank you and that's nice." I said then a sudden pain went through my stomach. I put my hand on the shelf and leaned forward gritting my teeth.

The woman placed her hand on my shoulder. "Are you alright?"

I nodded groaning a little. "Yeah. A sudden pain just went--" I gritted my teeth my body tensing as the pain started again.

"Honey I think you're going into labor." The woman said.

I shook my head breathing heavy. "N-No I can''s too..." I bit my lip to keep myself from crying out due to the harsh pain. "....soon."

The woman sighed. "Well honey right now the baby thinks it's time." She reached in her purse and took out her phone. "I'll call an ambulance."

"No need we'll take her."

I looked up and saw Itachi and Uriah. Itachi came over and lifted me up into his arms.

"We'll get her to the hospital." Uriah said and the woman was about to say something, but Uriah and Itachi turned around and staryed quickly walking out the store towards the car. Well it wasn't really a car, but a small limo.

"U-uriah...I-Itachi...." I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes tight groaning.

Uriah opened the door and Itachi layed me down on the back seat getting in with me holding my hand. "Shhh don't talk just focus on your breathing."

Uriah shut the door and got in the driver seat and started driving off.

My body tensed and I threw my head back and cried out. The pain was too much it wasn't like any other pain I felt before. I mean I was used to pain but then again I was never pregnant before and I didn't know what giving birth would feel like. I opened my eyes a little looking outside. "I-I thought we were"

"We are, but not a human hospital. " Itachi said glancing at me through the rear view mirror. "We're going to one sttictly for vampires only. It's on the outskurts of town so Humans don't know about it."

"We'll be there in five minutes." Itachi said. "Just keep taking deep breaths. Okay?"

I closed my eyes and nodded a few tears coming from my eyes. "O-Okay...B-But it..hurts....It much." I felt Itachi let go of hand and place his hand lightly on my stomach and all I could feel was this warmth go through my body and the pain started to dull down it was still there but it was a pain that I could tolerate not like the pain that I was feeling before.






The pain I could tolerate didn't last long. As soon as we got to the hospital and I was situated in bed the pain came back but much worse. It was so bad that I was literally crying and sweating.

"I'll call Naraku and let him know where you are Lady Tsukiko." Itachi said and him and Uriah turned to walk out the room.

I quickly grabbed Uriahs hand breathing heavy. "P-please....d-don't leave..."

"You stay here. I'll go and call him." Itachi said and walked out taking out his phone.

Uriah nodded and sat in the chair beside the bed and held my hand and th contractions I was having caused my body to tense and my grip to tighten on Uriah's hand but he didn't seem to mind.

The door opened and I thought it was Itachi coming back or maybe even Naraku, but it was a nurse. "Hello Mrs. Ichiyo. Are you still having contractions?"

I nodded.

"How far apart?" She asked.

"A-About...every five minutes."

"How long do they last?"

"About a minute to two minutes."

The nurse nodded. "Alright. Are you having trouble breathing during your contractions?"

I shook my head.

"Okay." The nurse walked over to me and removed a stethescope and put the ear pieces in her ears and placed the other end on my stomach listening then after a few minutes she removed the stethescope. "Alright everything sounds fine with your baby. Heart beat is normal."


"Now you're not ready to deliver your baby yet not until your conctractions are longer, stronger and less apart." The nurse said then looked at Uriah. "Make sure she stays still and rest."

Uriah just nodded.

"Okay press the call button if you need anything." The nurse said.

"" I said.

The nurse nodded. "No problem." She said and dimmed out the light and walked out the room closing the door quietly behind her and I finally relaxed and drifted off to sleep.

[A/N: My apologies if this chapter didnt seem very good...I Don't know that much about Pregnancy and Early Child Labor and that stuff so I tried to make it realistic as I possibly could.]

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