Chapter 8: In order to keep them alive.

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When I awoke my head was throbbing badly like I was hit with a very heavy train....twice. I groaned slowly opening my blurry eyes.

"You're finally awake." said a familiar strong male voice.

I blinked a couple of times clearing the left over blurriness from my eyes and everything focused I narrowed my eyes a growl rising deep in my throat at the bastard I never wanted to see in my life ever again.

"Naraku Ichiyo." I said in a low voice.

"Impressive that you still remember me after all these years." Naraku said crossing his arms.

I scoffed "How can I forget your pathetic existence? You've been watching my every move for 10 years now."

His eyebrow raised in confusion "You knew?"

I nodded "I've always knew...I just pretended not to notice without you realizing." I moved NY arms to stretch them, but winced at the burning pain on my wrist.

Looking up above my head to see what the problem was to see that my hand were cuffed to the bed. I frowned pulling on the chain, but as soon as the stone cuffs dug into my skin a burning sensation went through my body and I had to bite my lip to keep a scream from escaping my mouth.

"These cuffs are made from pure 100% concentrated silver." Naraku said "So getting out of those are impossible and leaving you powerless."

I growled looking at him narrowing my eyes. "Let me go you useless motherfucker."

Naraku hissed grabbing my throat his black eyes staring into my icy dark blue ones "You should watch how you talk to me." He growled tightening his grip on my throat.

I gasped trying to get some source of air "S-Stop...."

He jerked my head to the side getting a better view of my bare neck "Maybe I should go ahead and take every last ounce of powerful blood from your body." he whispered in my ear and licked the side of neck causing a shutter to go through my spine.

"S-So that's what your after?" I coughed "My blood?"

Naraku smiled against my neck "Oh you don't know how powerful your blood is...your blood can make anyone have everlasting power."

"But your a're already powerful." I said "I mean you were powerful enough to take me down."

"True...but you know I am." he said "I want more power."

He just like everyone else...I thought Always hungry for more power.

"Do you have any idea who you're dealing--

"Oh I already know who I'm dealing with." he said. "Tsukiko Yukimura..daughter of the most wealthiest family...its sad that they died after helping you and your brothers escape the Hunters 3 years ago."

My eyes widen.

He lifted his head to stare in my eyes again "Yep...I know..that's why I want your blood...the blood of a royal...the most powerful blood there is."

I stared deep into his black eyes seeing the hunger and seriousness in them, I looked away quickly turning my head back to the side "If you're going to kill me..go ahead and get it over with."

Naraku scoffed grinning showing the tip of his long pearl white fangs. "Don't don't be's true that I want your blood, but imma play with you first. So for now on I want you to call me Master for now on."

I glared at him "I will do no such thing."

Nataku narrowed his eyes frowning. "Listen here you fucking cunt. If you don't do what I say for now on 1)  I won't kill you, but I will torture you in any way possible, 2) Then when I'm done I'll drain the blood from your body slowly and last I won't hesitate to kill your brothers."

I winced feeling like my heart was just stabbed at those harsh words. Kioshi and Raiden were the only family that I have left, they've kept me on my feet when our parents died after helping us escape from the Hunters. I can't afford to loose them.

"You wouldn't dare!" I snapped.

"Try me." he said "All I have to do is give the word and both of your brothers will be history..all because their sister didn't obey an order."

I frowned.

"So do I make myself clear?"

I hesitated for a few moments then sighed giving up..something I've never done before "Yes..Master."

Naraku smiled "Good"

Just bear with it Tsukiko I thought to myself Just remember you're doing this in order to keep them alive.

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