Chapter 58: I'm Here

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When we got to town Anna led me towards the cafe that she said Raiden was trying to calm Kioshi down.  I walked in through the back door of the cafe and the minute I stepped I heard the sound of crashing and glass breaking.

I went around the corner just as Raiden was thrown over the bar area knocking down glasses and into the wall falling ontop of the stove. I looked over the people who were hundled against the wall and rolling onto the floor. "Go!" I told them.

They all got up quickly and rushed out the cafe through the back entrance.

I looked at Kioshi and it felt like my heart broke in my chest. Kioshi stared at Raiden with such anger and hate in his now red eyes, he had blood on his hands and some on his clothes and when growled at Raiden you could see his fangs stained with blood. I hated seeing my little brother like this. I hated seeing him angry. I only seen him like this once when our parents were killed and I nearly died trying to calm him down. After that I vowed to never let my brother get that way every again, but looks like I broke that vow and it was up to me to fix it.

"Raiden!" Anna rushed over to Raiden as he slowly stood up. "Are you alright?"

Riaden nodded. "Yeah I'm fine. I forgot that Kio really packs a punch when he's like this."

I slowly walked over to my little brother. "Kioshi."

Kioshi turned and glared at me growling.

I didn't back down. "'s me Tsukiko."

Kioshi narrowed his eyes. "Liar! Tsukiko is gone."

I shook my head. "No Kioshi. I'm right here i'm not gone."

Kioshi growled and tightened his hands into fists. "Yes she is! My sister is gone or worse dead! Tsukiko is never coming back. She didn't care about us she never did. She only cared about herself!"

I didn't say anything. I frowned a little knowing that Kioshi was right. I was being selfish. I didn't see how I was hurting them and it made it look like I didn't care. And that hurt me the most knowing that Kioshi felt that way and it made me wonder if Raiden felt the same way too.

"I know I hurt you, Raiden and Annabelle Kioshi. I know what I did ai can never take back. And I know you probably won't forgive me, but Kioshi I still love you all because you are my family, the only family I have and I could never stop caring for either of you."

Kioshi's eyes softened a little as if my truthfull words got to him, but then he narrowed them and hissed at me. "LIAR!" Suddenly Kioshi lunged towards me wrapping his hands around my throat knocking me to the floor.

I gasped as he tightened his grip. "K-Kio..shi..."

Annabelle and Raiden leaped over the counter to pull Kioshi off of me, but I heled my hand up to stop them. All this mess was my might fault I needed to handle it alone. I looked back up at Kioshi. "Kioshi I know you hate me. I understand that. I've been hurting you and Raiden and Annabelle too. What I've done I can't do anything to make up for that. And truthfully I don't deserve any of your forgiveness, but I want you to know I'm here now Kioshi. I'm here now."

Kioshi looked down at me his hands still around my throat.

I reached up and touched the side of my brothera face. "Come on Kioshi lets go back being happy together and living together. Me, you Raiden, Annabelle and....your neice or nephew." I heard Annabelle and Raiden gasp in surprise, but I didn't glance their way I kept my gaze on Kioshi.

Kioshi's looked down at me his eyes going wide. "Y-You're...having...a child?"

I nodded. "Yes."

Kioshi loosened his grip from around my neck then removed his hands completely and he sat down on his knees beside me his eyes changing from red back to his natural yellow-green. "T-Tsukiko...." Kioshi eyes went watery until he finally started crying.

I sat up and pulled him into my arms.

"I'm so sorry Tsukiko! I'm so sorry!" Kioshi cried into my shoulder. "Pleade forgive me. I don't hate you. I could never hate you. I forguve you!"

I ran my hand lovingly through his hair. "Shhh...Kioshi I'm here. I'm finally here and I promise I won't leave you again. I promise."

I frowned and felt my own tears pour from my eyes.

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