Chapter 4: The King

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Naraku Ichiyo S class vampire with a 425 million yen bounty-no scratch that...

I am Naraku Ichiyo Vampire King. Just had another stupid title put on me by these pathetic Humans.

"M-Master I-Ichiyo....p-please l-let me go.."

I looked over at the crying Human girl huddled in the corner her knees drawn up to her chest covering her naked body.

Blood is the only thing I need in order to grow in power..Well I guess I can say that-that's how I became a wanted criminal...I grew in power.

So I get that power from women..I use my handsome charms along with Hypnotism and lure women who are vulnerable to their deaths.

I frowned stepping towards the girl "Are you telling what to do?"

The look of fear washed over  girls face. The same fear I love to see on each of my victims.

She shook her head "N-No..."

I narrowed my eyes and picked her up by her hair "I hate when people give meorders and lie to me."

Tears poured from the girls eyes.

I sighed letting go of her hair and turned my back on her "I'm done with you."

"S-So...I-I can go?" she stuttered.

I looked back over my shoulder at her grinning so that my fangs were visible.  "Oh, you get to leave...just not alive."

Before the helpless girl could say anything I lunged forward growling pinning her to the black bricked wall and bit deeply into her throat tasting and feeling that powerful sensation go down my throat.

She let out a painful scream desperately trying to punch me off, but I was too powerful and outmatched her in a battle of strength.

I smiled when her arms fell limply at her sides and her heart was slowing. After making sure she was dead I stood back and watched her drop to the floor.

And at that moment there was a knock on the door. "Enter."

The double doors fully opened and it stood my right hand man Morio...the person that I could trust the most "My King...I'm terribly sorry for the disturbance, but I thought that you should see this." He held up a folded newspaper.

I wiped the blood away with the back of my hand "What is it?"

"It seems that she's killed again." Mario said coming deeper into the room.

I narrowed my eyes taking the newspaper and unfolded it "Tsukiko huh?" I scoffed folding the paper back and turned it to ashes in my hand "They even raised her bounty by 5 million yen."

"Is she the one you're looking for?"

I nodded..Tsukiko Yukimura is exactly who I'm searching for. I want her blood...the blood of a royal..with her blood I can grow even more powerful then I already am.

However there's a slight problem. It's that damn curse of hers. During the day she's another person and during the night she's her devilish self.

That kind of gave me an idea. I looked at Morio "Do you know the name of this other side of her?"

"If my memory serves me's Amaya Hisakawa, she's a third year student at Fushiyoka High." Morio said. "Why?"

"Send two of my best spies after her and bring her to me." I said.

Mario nodded. "Yes my King."

I walked across the room and pushed on the wall entering into a tunnel leading down to my secret place "Use whatever force necessary...and Morio..."

Morio tensed at my serious voice "Y-Yes?"

I looked at him over my shoulder "If I see one mark on her I swear it'll be the end of you."

Morio nodded.

"Oh and clean that mess up." I said referring to the girls lifeless body before walking down into the darkness.

[Naraku --->]

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