Chapter 41: Be Back Soon.

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"How dare he calls he cowardly!" I snapped to myself as I walked up the steps towards my room. "I'll show him that I'm not cowardly. I'll go fucking see that old man."

I walked into my room closing the door behind me. I looked up and Tsukiko was sitting up in bed the sheet was covering her waist, but her boobs were completely revealed to me and she caught me looking at them, but made no attempt to cover up in embarrassment.

Good. She doesn't need to be embarrassed I've seen and played with hrt body plenty of times. I thought with a short smile; however, I also noticed that she didn't look like herself her face and skin was a little redder then normal, her eyes were a little cloudy and unfocused and she was breathing a little too heavy.

"M-Master N-Naraku...I apologize for staying in bed for so long." She said and she sounded like she was a little out of it like she didn't know that she was speaking. "I-I was about to get up right now...." Tsukiko shifted in bed to stand up, but I walked over and stopped her.

"Hold up Tsukiko." I said

She looked up at me "Y-Yes M-Master?"

I put by hand to her forehead and winced a little pulling my hand away. "Tsukiko you're burning up."

Tsukiko looked at me confused. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that you have a fever."

Tsukiko scoffed and shook her head. "That's impossible vampires don't get sick."

"Well that may be true, but you are burning up." I told her.

"I'm fine Master Naraku." Tsukiko said and stood up, but she looked a little off balance and before she could fall I grabbed her and set her back down on the bee pulling the blanket up over her.

"No you are not Tsukiko." I said "You are staying in bed and that is final do you understand me?"

Tsukiko frowned a little in protest, but nodded anyway "Yes Master Naraku."

"Have you been getting enough sleep at night Tsukiko?"

She shook her head. "I don't sleep at night I'm always up once the moon comes up I usually sleep more during the daylight hours."

Of course. I sighed "Well then we know why you're like this then you're not getting enough sleep and you over exert yourself. So for the next couple of days I want you in this bed resting." I scoffed "Looks like it's by turn to take care of you."

Tsukiko turned her head to look at me. "I-I can't let you do that....Master Naraku it is take care of you not the other way around I am just a servant."

I sat down on the bed beside her and moved her hair out of her face. "Tsukiko to me you are not just a servant. To me you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You've shown me what it.feels likebto actually care for someone so please let me care for you."

Tsukiko didn't say anything she just looked at me and the way she looked at me was like she was about to cry, but she just blinked a couple of times and modded "Yes Master Naraku."

I smiled and leaned forward kissing her on the forehead despite how high her fever was. "Thank You Tsukiko." I stood up and walked over to the chair to grab my coat.

"W-Where are you going?" Tsukiko asked.

"My old man is coming back to Japan tonight and he wants to see me and Miroku for so reason." I said as I put my jacket on.

Tsukiko attempted to sit up, but i just walked back over and gently pushed her back down. "Tsukiko what did I say?"

"I know you want me to rest Master Naraku, but i can't let you and Master Miroku go out by yourselves."

I scoffed "We'll be fine Tsukiko you have to remember I am a king no-one is going to try and harm me or must brother."

"I know, but still you never know." she said.

I sighed and took my phone from my pocket and set it down on the table beside the bed. "Here take my phone I will call to let you know that me and Miroku has made it safely."

Tsukiko looked at the phone then back at me and sighed "Alright please do becareful Master Naraku."

I nodded. "I will and you call Miroku's cell if there is any trouble. You understand?"

Tsukiko nodded.

"Okay now you get some rest I'm going have at least 2 of my best gaurds standing watch at your door and me and Miroku will be back soon."

Tsukiko modded again and closed her eyes. "Yes Master...Naraku." With that she fell soundly asleep.

I sighed and walked out the room silently closing the door behind me. "Hitachi, Uriah!" I called and with in seconds they were both standing in front of me.

"Yes Master Ichiyo?" They both bowed.

I looked down at them "Me and Miroku are going out for a few and so I want you two to stand guard at my room while Tsukiko is resting understand?"

They both nodded speaking at the same time. "Yes Master Ichiyo."

I didn't say anything else I just turned away from them and started walking down the hall. I sighed pitting by hands in my jean pockets Lets get this visit over with the sooner I get it over with the sooner I don't have to see that old mans face ever again.

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