Chapter 44: No Right!

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After I had got off the phone with Tsukiko I snapped Miroku's phone shut and handed it back to him. "Here."

"Everything alright?" Miroku asked taking his phone back and put it in his pocket.

I nodded "Yeah."

"Alright then come on dad's waiting."

I sighed putting my hands into my pants pockets "I can't believe you're making me do this." I was seriously thinking about turning away and walking away.

Miroku must of sensed that because he turned to face me. "Don't even think about it, you promised to come and hear what dad had to say. You CANNOT go back on your word."

I rolled my eyes crossing my arms "Fine, lets get this over with then."

Miroku turned away from me and faced the door knocking on it twice. "Dad it's us."

This is stupid I should be back at home making sure Tsukiko gets better. I thought.

"Come in."

Miroku took the key card out sliding it through the slot then back out slowly and when they light turned green he opened the opened the door walking inside.

I sighed following him letting the door slam shut and lock behind me. The room was big for a hotel room I was guessing it was probably a suite.

"Miroku, Naraku glad you could make it." father said turning away from the wall size window that over looked the bright city.

"Well it wasn't easy getting Naraku here." Miroku said sitting down in one of the leather arm chairs. "Have a seat Naraku."

I leaned against the wall with my arms crossed. "No thanks I'm fine right where I am."

Miroku just shrugged.

Father walked over and sat down in front of Miroku on the couch and sighed. "I assume that Miroku didn't tell you why I wanted to see you?"

"Of course not." I said. "I agreed to only come and hear what you have to say. Nothing more."

Father sighed "Then I'll cut to the chase then....why I wanted Miroku to bring you here to see me is because you wouldn't let me say what I wanted to say over the phone."

I uncrossed my arms frowning. "Thats why you wanted me to come?! So you can ask me for forgiveness?!"

Father nodded. "Yes, thats exactly the reason why."

I shook my head and scoffed. "Hell will have to freeze over before I will be able to forgive you."

Father crossed his arms leaning back in the chair. "Why is it so hard for you to forgive me? I know I've made mistakes and so I want to make admends for those mistakes."

"You left Japan without so much of a word causing me to me to take care of your shitty mess." I snapped narrowing my eyes. "On top of that how shitty you treated me because I was born from a human mother."

"I know that I thought about every single crappy thing I have ever done to you in the past for every single day." he said. "And that's what I want to apologize for."

I sighed shaking my head Stubborn as a fucking mule. "Some things I am willing to forgive but the he'll you've put me throught I just can't forgive...not ever."

Father openest his mouth to speak, but was stopped by the ringing of a phone. It couldn't been my phone because my phone is back at home with Tsukiko, by my fathers expression it wasnt his either.

"Sorry that's my phone." Miroku said and sighed and pulled out his phone from his pocket looking at the caller I.D "It's Hitachi. I'll be right back continue with you're....intense conversation." Miroku got up and walked out the room.

"Naraku--" my father began, but I quickly cut him off.

"Don't." I said "I have nothing left to say to you. When I leave here tonight I never want to see your face ever again."

Father looked at me frowning his eyes narrowing a little.

He can look at me like he wants to punch me all he wants too. Even if's not going to change my mind.

I looked behind me as Miroku came running into the room his face expressionless and his eyes wide. "Naraku."

"Who was on the phone Miorku?" Father asked.

Miroku ignored him which was quite surprising. "I just got off the phone with Hitachi and Tsukiko is gone."

My eyes widened and it felt like my heart skipped a beat. "What?! Where is she?"

Miroku shrugged. "They don't know..He just told me that they heard her call for them and when they went to open the door to see what was wrong something stopped them from opening the door then soon after they got the door opened the window was opened and Tsukiko was no where to be seen."

"Who is this Tsukiko character? Miroku, Naraku what is going on." Father asked again.

"Tsukiko is a girl that Naraku is in love with and she's missing." Miroku said.

I looked at him surprised about to tell him to shut the fuck up, but stopped because I knew perfectly well he wasnt lying I was most certainly in love with Tsukiko, my slave girl, my little pet; however I didn't think it was that it was so obvious that Miroku could catch on.

Father looked at me a little surprised "You fell in love?"

I didn't answer.

"Is she your slave girl?"

"Yes." I said.

Father sighed. "Naraku you know better, you are a King and you know for a fact that you can't fall in love especially with your slaves--"

I bawled my hand into a fist and punched the wall so hard I punched a hole through it. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL ME HOW TO LIVE MY LIFE!" I shouted. "I am not like you at first I was and I always thought that since I was a King I couldn't fall in love with anyone, but when I found Tsukiko and made her mine she changed something within me she made me see that it is not that bad to love someone...So you have no damn right to tell me that I can't love anyone."

"Wait Tsukiko Yukimura? The S-Class vampire with the 435 million yen bounty?"

"Yes." Miroku said.

"Why are you falling in love with that whore?" Father asked crossing his arms. "She will use any guy she sees just to get their blood. I've heard the rumors and if you ask me she is nothing but a dirty, lying, cheating loose whore."

I narrowed my eyes and before I could stop myself I moved across the room quickly and punched him in the face so hard that he flew back hitting the window hard sending cracks through it.

"DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING TALK ABOUT HER THAT WAY!" I snapped. "She isn't like that anymore! And if I ever say those fucking things about her ever again I don't care if you're my father I will rip your heart out myself."

Before he could say anything I turned away on my heels and walked quickly out the room. "Miroku lets go!"

I growled a little my hands tightening into fists so hard at my sighs I could feel my nails digging into my palms. I already had a pretty much idea who would do something like this just to get me irritated and when I see him he's going to pay and he's going to pay in blood.

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