Chapter 55: Go Get Her

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I looked over my shoulder at Riaden as he climbed up onto the room and the look he gave me made me turn around to face him. It was the look of severe worry. "What is it Raiden, What's the matter?"

"Did you see where Kioshi went or did he tell you where he was going?" he asked.

I shook my head. "No, why?"

Raiden sighed "I'm just worried about him I mean didn't you notice at breakfast he didn't seem like himself?"

I thought about it. I went back to that moment at breakfast and actually Kioshi-kun DID NOT seem like himself at all, he seem so distant, he didn't talk to either of us nor look at us, but he didn't show if he was sad, happy, angry or even confused about anything he just had this blank expression on his face like he was wearing a mask and the weird thing is that I couldn't even feel his emotions or even read his thoughts it was like all that information was not accessable to me and that's never happened to me before.

"Yeah, he did." I said.

"And he just left and not even tell me where he was going so I called his phone and he won't even pick up it keeps going to voice mail." Raiden said. "And I'm starting to get worried I mean he's still down about Tsukiko-neesan."

I nodded "Yeah he did I mean we're all still down about it, but I guess he's taking it the hardest." I said.

Raiden opened his mouth to say something, but the sound of distant, feint screams came into our line of hearing like they were echos being carried by the wind. I stood up "Did you hear that?"

Raiden nodded and stood beside me looking towards the city. "Yeah I did it came from the city,"

I jumped down from the roof landing in the street on my feet and then looked back up at Riaden "Come on Raiden let's go see what that was."  I took off running and seconds later Raiden was right a long side me. With in seconds we were standing on the side walk and we both saw that there was a crowd forming outside a cafe and the police was trying to push them back.

Raiden and I went up to one. "Excuse me." I asked. "But what is going on here?"

"Some highschool went inside and started causing trouble by what we saw he's already killed 2 of them." The officer said.

I was starting to get an uneasy feeling. "What did this highschool student look like?"

"Sorry we don't know that ma'am." The officer said and went back to trying to handle the crowd.

"I know what he looks like I saw the whole thing." a guy said as he came from the crowd and stood in front of us.

"What did he look like?" Raiden asked.

The guy put both his hands in his pockets. "Well he wasn't really tall about a little less then you," He pointed to Raiden, "He had blond hair that had light red highlights at the tips, and his eyes were a combination of orange, green and yellow, but the funny thing is that when I looked at him it looked like his eyes turner red and he had such a scary look on his face."

I looked at Raiden and looked at me that was the perfect description of Kioshi. What the hell is going on with him?

"Thanks." Raiden said. "Another thing is there like a back entrance to this cafe?"

The guy nodded.

"Thanks, come on Anna..." Raiden said as he ran around the coward and snuck past the cops into the alley to get behind the cafe when he stopped he turned to face me. "Anna I have a very important job for you."

"What?" I asked.

"I need you to go get Tsukiko." He said.

I looked at him surprised. "What?! How the hell am I suppose to do that Raiden? I don't know where she is."

Raiden sighed and slowly walked towards me and placed both of his hands on either side of my head.

"Raiden what are you doing?" I asked trying to pull away, but Raiden held a tight grip on me.

He sighed and closed his eyes.

Suddenly all I was seeing was  a dark forest and there in the middle of the forest was a mansion that didn't even look like a mansion, but a castle.

Raiden pulled away and looked at me. "That's where you'll find Tsukiko."

I frowned and looked up at him. "If you knew where she was why in the hell didn't you go save her!?" I snapped something that I rarely did, but I was just so angry. I mean why did we go through this trouble and sadness and suffering and Raiden, hell maybe Kioshi too knew exactly where Tsukiko was?!

Raiden sighed "Because me and Kioshi can't step foot on Naraku's territory."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll tell you later Anna just please go get Tsukiko before Kioshi does something he'll regret later on." Raiden said.

"But how Raiden?" I asked. "This is Naraku we are talking about I can't reason with him."

Raiden sighed. "Don't worry. Something tells me that he will reason with you, now hurry."

I hesitated for a few moments then sighed and nodded. "Alright I'll be back as soon as I can just keep Kioshi from hurting anybody." Is all said before I took off running towards the direction of the forest Raiden had showed me in my head.

Let's hope he's right. I thought. Let's hope Naraku will hear what I have to say.

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