Chapter 43: No Escape

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When I awoke my head was pounding like crazy, my vision was unfocused and blurry, I was crazy hot even though I ass naked (not in that way), I felt dizzy and I felt like I was going to be sick to my stomach.

The only thing I could clearly remember was blacking out after Naraku and Miroku fucked me both to that point then waking up to Naraku telling me that him and Miroku were going to visit their dad. After he told me that I was about to get out of bed so I could get dressed and accompany then, but Naraku had ordered me to stay in bed, stop over exerting myself and get some more rest.

At first I was about to refuse, but of course like a good slave I could never ever refuse my Master's orders, so I just did what he wanted me to then I went I fell back to sleep for the second time.

What woke me up that time was the phone Master Naraku left for me ringing on the table beside the bed. I sat up picking up and answered it. "Hello?"

"Tsukiko, sorry did I wake you?" It was Naraku.

"N-No Master Naraku I just woke up." I said.

"Oh well I'm calling you like I promised. Me and Miroku made it here safe and sound." Naraku said.

I quietly sighed with relief. "Alright Master please you and Master Miroku stay safe."

Naraku chuckled. "Alright we will I have to go now we will be back as soon as we can."

"Okay." was all I said.

With that Naraku hung up. I snapped the phone shut and put it back on the table and I just sat there when all of a sudden it got supper hot and I wasnt sure if it was just in my head or the temperature in the room just suddenly raised, so I climbed out of bed not caring if I was still naked (I was pretty used to it by now) and pushed open the window letting in the cool nightly breeze, but I still felt hot.

Maybe a cold shower will help. I thought walking into the bathroom closing the door behind me and crossed the bathroom on dizzy legs to turn on the shower then just as I turned on the shower the door was kicked down.

I turned quickly around and there stood a tall, well toned looking man, his hair was a black, he had piercing red eyes that immediately told me that he was up to no good.

How the hell did he get in?! I asked myself then immediately remembered the window I just opened. Damn it Tsukiko how stupid can you fucking be?

The man crossed his arms "Tsukiko Yukinura." he said and I wasnt surprised that he knew my name mostly every vampire there was has to know my name. "It seems that Naraku has made you into one of his servants."

I frowned. "W-Who are you?"

"Lets just say I'm not a very nice guy." he said.

No shit sherlock I already figured that out. I growled a little "What are you doing in my Masters home? You cannot be here."

"Tell me where your Master?" he asked as if I hadent said anything.

"He's not here?" was all I said.

"And where is he?"

"I'm not tell you the location of my Master so i suggest you--" before i could even finish my sentence the man moved towards me so quickly that I didn't have the chance to move when he wrapped his hand around my throat slamming me against the glass shower doors.

He glared at me "Listen here you little bitch I suggest you tell me where he is or I'm going to break your neck."

I opened my mouth and before I could stop myself the words spoke. "H-He's not here...he...went out." I gasped struggling to break free from his grip, but because of the weakened state I was in there was no escape.

I frowned narrowing my eyes "Like I said I will not tell you the location of my go ahead and kill me." I'd rather die then tell this man where my Master is. If I did I would never forgive myself if Master Naraku or even Master Miroku got hurt because of this man.

The man grinned down at me. A grin that was making me feel uncomfortable, so I growled and kneed the man in the stomach and when he finally let go of me I ran past him out of the bathroom and into the bedroom going towards the phone on the table; however before I could reach it the man tackled me to the ground pinning me there.

"Uriah! Itachi!" I screamed and the man covered my mouth muffling my cries.

The door started to open, but befotr iy could open the man flung his hand and the wardrobe flew across the room to lean against the door.

There was banging on the other side and the door struggled to open causing the wardrobe to bounce to tbe vibrations.

"Get off me!!" I shouted and lengthed my fangs biting the guy on the arm.

He cried out and let go of me.

I slid from under him going towards the window;however he grabbed my ankle causing me to loose my balance and I fell hitting my head on the corner of the table and all I saw was darkness.

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