Chapter 60: Wedding Day

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(A few months later)

A few months has went by and the evidence of my pregnancy was showing even with my wedding dress on. And today was my wedding day. I was unbelievably nervous. I was pacing back and forth biting my nail something that I havent done in a while.

"Tsukiko would you stop pacing you're making me nervous." Anna said.

I didn't stop pacing. "I'm sorry Anna, but I can't help it I'm so nervous I mean I know I shouldn't be nervous, but what if Naraku changes his mind? What if something goes wrong? What if--"

Anna sighed and grabbed my shoulders stopping me. "Tsukiko I want you to to stop, look at me and listen. Nothing is going to happen. Nothing is going to go wrong. He's not going to change his mind. Naraku loves you and he wants to marry you. When you walk down that isle you will see Naraku standing there waiting for you looking happy as ever maybe shedding tears of happiness."

I scoffed. "I doubt it."

Anna smiled. "Well even so me, Kioshi and Raiden will be certainly crying with happieness."

I smiled. "Thanks...Ugh." I put my hands on my stomach and sat down in the chair.

Anna came over to me and stood beside me. "You okay Tsukiko?"

I nodded. "Yeah." I laughed a little and grabbed her hand putting it on my stomach. "The baby is just kicking."

Anna smiled. "I guess someone is happy about their Mamas wedding day too, but you have to remain calm Tsukiko you don't want to go into labor so early."

I took a deep breath letting it out slowly. "Alright."

"Everything will go well." Anna said. "Okay?"

I nodded. "Okay."

Anna stood up still holding my hand and helped me to my feet. "Ready to get married?"

I took a deep breath letting it out slowly and nodded. "Yes. I'm ready."

Anna lead me out the room and down the hall where Raiden was waiting for me looking as handsome as ever wearing his tux. He handed me my bouquet and smiled at me. "You look beautiful Tsukiko."

I smiled. "Thank You Raiden."

Raiden held out his arm and I put my arm through his. "Ready?" He asked me.

I nodded. "Yeah."

I heard the music start playing and Raiden lead me down the hall and outside into the garden and down the isle. It was beautiful day outside literally perfect for a wedding. The sun was out, there was no cloud in the sky, the air wasnt hot or too warm, but it was just right and the variety of birds were everywhere in the trees that surrounded us.

Everyone that lived in Narakus place was here. All his guards, his brother Miroku, Itachi and Uriah, Nijima, my brother Kioshi and Anna were sitting in the front. And then there was Naraku, he was standing on the alter with his hands behind his back looking at me a smile on his face.

I smiled as I reached him and stepped up on the alter in front of him giving my bouquet to Anna. Naraku reached over and took my hands in his. "You look lovely." He whispered to me.

"Thank you." I whispered back.

The "Justice of Peace" who was going to marry us was one of Naraku's friends I believe Kyonen was his name. Kyonen cleared his throat and that was a sign for the pianist to stop playing.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today we have gathered together to celebrate the marriage of Tskukio Tyyosen Yukimura and Naraku Rakun Ichiyo. Marriage is the promise between two people who love each other, who trust each other, who honor one another as individuals in that togetherness, and who wish to spend rest of their lives with each other. It enables the two separate souls to share their desires, longings, dreams, joys and sorrows, and to help each other through all uncertainties of life."

Kyonen closed his eyes and started to resite a saying by Margaret A. Keip and it was actually quite beautiful. "Marriage has certain qualities of contract, in which two people take on the housekeeping tasks of living together, to enhance life's joy.

However, marriage is more than a contract. Marriage is commitment to take that joy deep, deeper than happiness, deep into the discovery of who you most truly are. It is a commitment to a spiritual journey, to a life of becoming - in which joy can comprehend despair, running through rivers of pain into joy again.

And thus marriage is even deeper than commitment. It is a covenant - a covenant that says:
I love you. I trust you. I will be here for you when you are hurting, and when I am hurting, I will not leave.

It is a covenant intended not to provide haven from pain or from anger and sorrow. Life offers no such haven. Instead, marriage is intended to provide a sanctuary safe enough to risk loving, to risk living and sharing from the center of oneself. This is worth everything."

When Kyonen was finished he opened his eyes and looked at Naraku. "Naraku will you take Tsukiko, to be your lawful wedded wife? Will you love, comfort, honor and protect her; forsaking all others to be faithful to her until death do you apart?"

Narakus eyes never left mine and he nodded. "I do."

Kyonen looked at me. "Tsukiko will you take Naraku, to be your lawful wedded husband? Will you love, comfort, honor and protect him; forsaking all others to be faithful to him until death do you apart?"

I nodded my eyes also never leaving Naraku's gaze. "I do."

Kioshi stood up caring a pillow and handed both Naraku and I the rings before sitting back down on the front row.

Naraku held my hand up and slid the ring on my finger saying. "Tsukiko you have changed my heart in many ways possible you have shown me what it means to care and love someone so much, you have removed the darkness from my heart and replaced it with your love and kindess. I, Naraku take you Tsukiko to be my wife, and my better half. I will take care and cherish our relationship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever. I will always be open, honest, and faithful to you. I take you for my wife, to have and to hold from this day on, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish for all the days of my life and until my last breath."

I could feel tears forming in my eyes threatening to be unleashed, but I held them back for now. I held up Narakus hand and slid the ring on his finger saying, "Naraku you also have changed my heart, you have got rid of the darkness that was within me and made me feel even more loved and cared for and everything that has happened between us in the past I forgive and accept your love. I, Tsukiko take you Naraku to be my husband and my better half. I will take care and cherish our relationship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever. I will always be open, honest, and faithful to you. I take you for my husband, to have and to hold from this day on, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish for all the days of my life and until my last breath."

Naraku and I then joined hands and started repeating the vow. "This ring, which has no beginning and no end, symbolizes the love and trust between us that will never cease. May its presence on your hand remind you of my love and vow. I place it on your finger as a visible sign of the promises which have made us husband and wife."

Kyonen faced the crowed and said. " Until now Tsukiko and Naraku have spent each moment of their lives as separate individuals or a better term as enemies always at each others throats. But they have put all their past troubles behind them and from this day on, and every day after this day shall be shared and spent as one. By the power enthroned in me, by the country of Japan, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

Naraku wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against him bringing his head down and kissed me and I finally let the tears that were threatening in my eyes come free.

I have truly never felt this happy in my life.

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