Chapter 46: Need It

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When I woke up my body was acting all over from the constant whipping that creepy bastard inflicted on me and both of pussy and my ass was sore from the constant abusing all those bastards did to me. I felt even worse then I did a couple of hours ago. My breathing was more raspy and heavy like I couldn't get enough air, my body felt like it was on fire, and my vision kept focusing and unfocusing constantly.

The cuts all over my body were starting to bleed again from the desperate attempt to break free from my confinement, but unlike 100% concentrated silver those chains weren't going to break so easily like normal chains would. I was loosing too much blood and even though I couldn't see how much I was loosing I could definently feel it my throat burned for the taste of more blood, my breathing was getting quicker, my fangs lengthed. I needed the taste of blood and I needed it now.

You need it don't you? The voice in my head said. Usually I would tell it to shut up, but in this case it was right. I DID need it, I WANTED it. I wanted the taste of blood going down my throat.

"I want it,,,,," I said quietly to the darkness around me.

Then go and get it. There's lots of blood around here waiting for you to claim it. The voice said.

"I...Can't get down." I said.

If you really want it like you truely said you do then you will get down. Don't let these silly little chains stop you from claiming what's yours.

A low growl escaped my thoat and gritted my teeth my fang digging into my bottom lip causing a drop of blood to slip into onto my tongue causing that familiar thirst get even stronger. I pulled my legs down against the chains not caring that my legs were still sore until the leather straps finally broke free and I was left hanging there slightly off the ground. I gritted my teeth once more and pulled on the chains connected to my wrists I pulled and pulled until finally the chain snapped and I collasped to the cold stone flooring wincing a little on impact.

However the pain didn't bother me anymore all I mean the pain was the there, but it's like my body didn't care it was there. I stood up on shakey legs and stumbled towards the metal door and without any hesitations I kicked the door causing it to come a loose from its hinges and fall to the floor with a loud heavy bang. I walked out into the open narrowing my eyes a little at the bright yellowt-white light.

A guard turned around looking at me then started frowning and growling, but before he could even pull his sword free from his sheath I moved toward him quickly and grabbed him by the throat forcing him against the wall. I then dug my sharp nails into his throat ripping his throat out and as he was choking on his own blood I grinned showing my fangs and bit deep into his throat tasting the weakness of his blood.

However it wasn't enough. I needed more. The hunger inside me only grew. If I was going to satisfy this hunger I needed more. More warm blood and I will kill everyone to get.

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