One man's Treasure

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My heart stopped. Did he just take my phone out of my fucking hand? WHY THE SHIT IS HE TALKING TO MY DAD?? Oh god....not only am I out late. But now my family knows that im out late.

With a mother ducking boy. 

"OOOOOOHHHH! BUTTERCUP IS WITH A BOY???" Oh my god. Please stop. I tried to take the phone away, but he lifted it higher than I could reach. Bubbles high pitched squealing wasn't making this any better, so I tried to swiftly kick him in the shins. He dodged it and continued making my life worse, 

"Hello Mr. Utonium. This is Butch. Sorry for being late, I promise to get her home to you as soon as we're done here."

He did not.....oh my fucking Jesus! 

"BUTCH! Give me my phone!" I ran after him but he dodged every attack I made. He seemed to be rather amused playing this game of cat and mouse. I, on the other hand, couldn't wait for it to be over.  

"Buttercup, If your not home in the next 15 minutes I'm going to take away your blanket." I stopped chasing after Butch. I couldn't believe what was more aggravating. Blossom threatening me through the phone, or her thinking that she would survive another minute if she even laid a finger on my blanket! Oh wait.....SHE MENTIONED MY BLANKET!!! I looked up and could see Butch silently laughing his ass off. I took this as an opportunity to tackle him. 


We both landed on the floor with a thud and I grab the phone as fast as I could I took it off speaker and replied to my frantic siblings, "Blossom you lay a hand on my shit and your a dead man!"

"*sigh* Buttercup, please just get home. I don't need to hear that you disrespected the teacher, shouted in her class, ran into her room late AND stayed out past curfew in the same day."

My heart was in my throat at this point. So this was my fault? Miss. Sadusa was being a pain in my ass! Is no one willing to hear my side of the story?! I scoffed. My side of the story. The only side that has yet to be told. Maybe that's why I was so desperate to show off the Junkyard to this boy. I was just being a little baby and craving attention from someone other than a bunch of trash. I let out a rough sigh while responding to my annoyed guardian. 

"Yes sir....."

And that was it. He hung up and I couldn't help but glare at the boy under me. He went wide eyed at the turn of events that just took place. Without a warning, my face went red and flustered as I realized what we were doing.


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