Time to Repair

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Surprise! Sorry for not posting everyday (except for the 9th since I was on a trip with the fam ). My mental health went brrrrr. I'm ok now, so lets get it with another update :D



This seems familiar.

I sat on the same worn down, red couch as I did last time I was being scolded. This time it was very different though. Not only was Blossom the one yelling, so was Bubbles. 

After Blossom told me to get into the house I got up and walked inside only to see a box waiting inside on top of the coffee table. Clearly confused, I walked towards it before getting a smack at the back of the head. 

I turned around before Bubbles whimpered a small 'Sorry...'

I don't blame her. Besides, that fact that she had enough guts to even think about hitting me was surprising. However, I just looked at her with a blank stare before blinking a few times. Just because was hurting right now, doesn't mean I'm going to dismiss that was part of the reason I left. I sat on the couch and, for whatever reason, relaxed a bit. I thought about the box on the table, but was caught off guard by the small tag attached to the top. The letters was smudged and I could tell that there was a birthday cake picture on the tag.

"So...." I looked up before Blossom plopped herself onto the red loveseat that was also worn out and battered. She adjusted herself and tightened her ponytail before continuing to speak.

"Do you want to go first or should I?"


She put her hand up, "You know what, I'll start."

Is she serious right now?

"What the shit is going on with you?"

I gazed at her wide eyed. The only words she said was 'hell', 'crap', and even if I did piss her off enough, 'ass'. I chuckled at the last one. She doesn't ever say anything else. 


"Shut up. I'm talking."

I glared at her.

"It's true, I told Bubbles not to tell you about the aquarium. I told Bubbles to keep you out of the loop. And yes, I didn't tell you because you needed to study. Even though you were in summer school, you were still getting a C-average! Did you know the only reason they allowed you to skip so many days, despite that, was because I threatened them!"

Her voise was gradually getting higher, and her tone was more heated than what I thought.

"On top of that, was is it that your phone was off the entire time! I know that we haven't been the greatest, but dammit..." Look started to tear up before screaming at me, hate clearly seen in her eyes, 

"I don't need some red-headed jackass telling me that my sister is in the hospital!"

I froze. 

Why the hell does she know that?

And why the hell was Brick the one to tell her?

However, she continued to drill into me just how disappointed she was, 

"Why did you go downtown by yourself? Why did you leave Bubbles alone? Why did you have us wait, like, 2 days after you left the hospital to let us know that your still alive!?"

"How the hell do you even know that I was in the hospital?"

"The professor has friends that work there remember? Don't try to change the subject!"

I rolled my eyes, why is these things the only thing being spoken about? The hell?

"Listen Blossom, I get where your coming from-"

"Do you?"


"Do you really? Because you have no fucking idea how hard it is to be me. Do you know how scared I was when you didn't come home? FOR 5 DAYS! You didn't answer or even read my texts and you hung up almost immediately every time I called you."

At this point tears filled her eyes and rolled down her face, nevertheless, her rant continued:

"You don't see me as a sister trying to protect you, you see me as an obstacle trying to lock you into submission or something..."


"The worst part is, is that I know that I've been hurting you, but you don't say anything. And every time I make an effort to leave you alone or to fix things, it gets worst."

The last part was quiet and somewhat composed. She sunk back into her seat, and placed her chin onto her hand. I thought about everything she said, and for the first time in a while, I'm happy she talked to me. Whether she wants to admit it or not, she's terrible at expressing emotions to show her as a normal person. 

By that, I mean when it comes to apologizing, or letting looses, or just showing that's not some stuck-up prick who only cares about school. 

I knew what she was trying to say and the tear stained cheeks were proof that she was being sincere. The next step was mine to take, and for someone as prideful as me, it was a large one. I sucked in some air and breathed out what I had to say..

"I forgive you."

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