Whose to Blame

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I was fucked. I was so dead. Heck, even dead was an understatement.  The cold air of the night stabbed my lungs as I ran across town. I knew that dad would never lay a hand on me, but I also knew better than to piss him off. I knew kids don't have the luxury of getting off the hook so easily, but trust me when I say those kids have nothing on me as soon as I walk into that house. 

I was the school rebel. The badass of the town. The one to talk to when shit needs to get done. When it comes to my dad, my sisters....I was nothing more than a little girl. On top of that, I still have school tomorrow. SHIT!! WHY IS EVERYTHING MY FAULT?! For the love of god.....I cant with this anymore!

This was never the thoughts that ran through my head whenever I did anything bad.....usually it was how I was going to apologize, or it was if I should do something stupider the next day. Whatever it was.....I knew that I never felt that guilty since it was going to be my fault either way. Especially after the last major incident. I finally turned the corner and saw my house in sight. I walked up to the front door and I held back my tears. I twisted the knob.....

and entered. 


"Oh my god.....sorry....." 

Butch's face looked shocked as well as red. I'm assuming he was angry at me.....It wasn't after I hung up with my dad that I realized that I was fucking straddling him. How pathetic.....I only met him a few hours ago and now he must think that I'm some pervert. I feel like screaming.  

"W-why are you upset for?"

Is he for real? Is he really that dense? Does he mess with people so much to the point where this is fucking normal? Why am I being so dramatic!? A flurry of emotions ran through my head; god I just want to go home and sleep. Home. Even home was going to be hectic. Blossom was going to scold me for being late to class, Bubbles is going to pester me about Butch and Profess-eh...I mean dad, is so going to talk to me about communication again. Who knows...maybe i'm making this a bigger deal than what it is....I let out a heavy sigh.

"I'm sorry that this was the first time we met, and Im already dragging you into the shithole that is my life haha..."

"Shithole? You cant really tell me that your life is a shithole just cause I head you fight with your family..."

"You don't get it."

"Like hell I don't! I have 2 screwed up parents, 2 dick-headed brothers, countless classes I'm failing and a fucking partridge in a pear tree!"

I saw how aggravated he was. He wasn't good at hiding his emotions. Not at all. He was similar to Bubbles. Bubbles wasn't good at hiding when she was happy or excited, but he always hid when she was sad or afraid. This dudes the polar opposite of that. 

"I think I should go now....Sorry."

"Stop fucking apologizing!"


"What do you mean 'or else what'?"

"Look at you acting as if you're all that? Ha, I bet your just as fucked as I am!"

"Sorry to disappoint princess, but my folks don't give a rats ass if I go home or not. So yeah, maybe I am!"

"Aww...how FUCKING sad!" 

"If I were you, I would shut the hell up before you make me do something i'll regret."

Thats it. Im done with making a good first impression. I promised Blossom I wouldn't fight, but im sure thats out the window now. I waited for him to respond. I waited for him to say something snarky, but instead he respond with that? An empty threat? How stupid. I stood up and dust the dirt from my pants before shoving my phone in my pocket. I walked back to where I dropped my backpack and patted the dirt off.  I slipped it on before stealing a glance at Butch. He was standing up and dusting the dirt off of him. The atmosphere was thick and awkward. I couldn't leave without saying something. Was it going to be goodbye? Hell nah. It would be something a little more Buttercup related.

"By the way, next time you threaten me, you better make sure you can back it up."

"Is that so?" His voice was venomous; he had this way of making it seem as if he didn't give a shit. I knew better, it didn't take long to learn how to push his buttons. I enjoyed pushing them...until it effected me. Something about this was different though. He sounded hurt. He sounded nervous... it only made him that much more intoxicating. I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders.

"What the hell--"

I stopped. My heart stopped. My vision got blurry. Everything started to spin. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and the salty, bitter water sting my eyes. In a moment....my reputation was over. The pride, ego and everything in between was shattered.

As soon as the moment began, it was over. His lips had finally parted from mine. 


He backed away slowly. Pressing a finger to his lips. I took the liberty to do something I've be dying to do all day. I took my knee and met his manhood before I bolted out of the Junkyard. 

"Buttercup! Hold on!"

I ran away before I could hear anything else. I stopped about a block away before stopping to catch my breathe. Everything happened so fast....and all I could feel was tired. I was exhausted. I couldn't help it. It was currently 9:50 and I was suppose to be home around 30 minutes ago. 

Shit. Looks like I'm running. 

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