Backlash Pt.2

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It has been a total of 5 days since I last been home and it wasn't the greatest feeling to finally pull into the driveway. I called ahead of time that I would be home, and I could hear the tears in Bubbles eyes through the phone. I felt sorry that I was gone for so long, but at the same time it was something I needed. 

After I waited in the car for about an hour, Butch came back with a large bag of different items. My lord...that bag in itself was probably more money than I would ever see. 

He set the bag on my laps and started to tell me about the things he got. He told me that he didn't want me to wear it unless I'm with him, and to say I was confused was the least of things. I don't think going home with a bag of expensive items would do me any good, so I asked Butch to keep them with him until things settled. He wasn't happy with my request to I told him that I'll allowed him to hug and kiss me in public for a day if he could keep them in his trunk. 

Being Butch, he agreed without a second thought....still not ready to use the "b" word on him though. 

I looked at my house, and the window that showed my half of the room. I was nervous, and frantically going over the situation in my head.

Ok, so you left Bubbles alone at your school, walked yourself downtown, got into a fight and ended up in the hospital, stayed in a hotel room that was payed by a guy my family doesn't know, skipped 4 days of school, and I am now in a relationship.





I am so screwed. 

I leaned forward and place my hands over my face, trying to stop myself from vomitting. 

 "You ok?"

I sucked in some air and replied


He didn't respond, but he didn't have to. I unbuckled my seat and opened the door. 

"Can you wait outside please? Just in case."

"Sure, but if you have the mentality to run away, then there's no point in going inside that house in the first place."

I sighed and nodded my head.

- - - - - - 

*ding dong*

My heart was in my throat. I feel like i'm dying. My vision is blurry...i-i cant....

I sucked in my air, and heard a loud honk. I looked at the driveway and received two thumbs up from a very optimistic loser.

Suddenly i heard the door click, and slowly squeak open. 


"Hi Bubbles."

She yanked op the door and threw herself unto me. Shouting my name and crying. Maybe I shouldn't have stood so close to the door....


I tripped over my own shoe and fell backwards, falling onto the concrete floor. 

"Jesus Bubbles! Are you trying to kill me?"

"Of course not! I just got you back!" She hugged me and started to cry some more. I felt bad and started to tear up with her. I hugged her back and basically shoved my head into the nook of her neck. She started to cry harder, and all she could say was distorted words filled with whimpers and hiccups. I couldn't understand what she was saying, but I was able to make out a few words. I'm, aquarium, and sorry. I sighed knowing what she meant. I hugged her a little tighter. 

"Buttercup. Get your ass off the floor." 

I slightly froze and Bubbles immediately looked up and at that same moment we saw a calm and collected Blossom. Her abnormal pink eyes stared at us and drilled holes into out skulls. I felt my palms getting sweaty and started to get off the floor. 

If looks could kill, I'd be long gone by now.

"Come here. Right now."

"Blossom, at least-"

"I will not ask again. Get inside the damn house."

I didn't feel like doing anything too stupid, so I walked into the house.

Surrendering myself to what was about to happen.

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