Role of a Royal

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Real quick, the image on top is to help you visualize the following scenes. You'll understand when you get there. (=ↀωↀ=)✧


There comes a moment in everyone's' life, that they wish for something to stay frozen in place. 

Whether it was your first date, or the time you won at a competition. If it's a really good day with  your parents, or just a peaceful moment in time where you don't have to worry about what you'll do tomorrow.

For me, it was at this very moment. 

I guess...I finally got tired of waiting for something to magically happen that would send my spiral of misery out the window. Little did I know, that I don't need a miracle. I just needed a person. He was right here....waiting for me to responding, though... it was painfully obvious what he wanted. He kept glancing at my face, and returning to the ground, and as he was asking for permission....

Shit. It this wasn't so cute I would've knocked him out by now. Wouldn't I? I didn't want to think about hurting him anymore than what I've done already, if anything...I just want to have him.

"Oh what the hell."

I grabbed him by the collar and pressed his lip onto mine, remembering what he said to me all those years ago....

I'm sorry  you don't remember anything else about what it's like to be happy, but I know that I can help you find new reasons.

Idiot. Even though you were the one suffering with the memories of me leaving for 12 years, don't you see that your just as stupid? You were the only reason I was forcing myself to wake up every morning. You were the reason that I was so envious of those who had fancy cars, and big houses. You were the one who made me want a family when all I could think about was myself...

I may have been 5 or 6 years old at the time, but I had to grow up overnight...but you gave me brief moments were I was able to act my age. 

I don't.... I can't risk....

forgetting again. 

I pushed him away slightly so I could catch my breathe, and by the looks of it, he was still shocked by my actions.

"W-weren't you the one who told me not to kiss you?" He sounded so fucking happy it was almost sickening.....but I can't say that it didn't make me want to kiss him more. 

"Yeah...but I never said anything about me kissing you."



"Come on, so I can't even kiss you until you do it first?"

"Yes. Now deal with it."

"Fine, but my ass is not gonna climb a mountain every time I want something."

He got off his knees and pulled me off the floor, forgetting that we were on a mountain side, causing us both to fall on the floor again. Damn! I looked under me only to see Butch again....

When we fell I landed on top of him, and boy did this bring back memories. I sat up, not caring if I was straddling him or not. I couldn't help but stare at this lunatic. I couldn't help but wonder what he thought of me at time in life, or at any for that matter. 

He finished laughing and it was clear as day that he was flustered. Even the tip of his ears were red but this time, I wanted him to look at me. He was avoid my stare and it was pissing me off. I stood up and brushed the dirt off my pants only for him to following my actions. I thought I would be happy, but I felt like there was something I needed to do still.

"Hey, looks go to the top."

He stopped and looked at me, still partly dazed

"Why? It's basically midnight, shouldn't we head back down?"

This kid....luckily for me, I don't like being told no.

"Do you remember why your name is Prince?" he gave me a humored expression 

"You see, I can't seem to remember." He had a devilish grin and it was clear he wanted me to explain. Such a pain in the ass...BUT, if he thinks i'm gonna let him have that satisfaction, then he is poorly mistaken.

"Because a Prince may have all the power, but at the end of the day they follow orders from their superior."

Jokes on you, I'm not giving in that easily. His smile turned into a half frown when he realized that I don't feel like giving him anymore least...not yet.

"That's not  the reason at all, but fine. Let's go to the top."

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