Long haul

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"What? Did I say something?"

I was to flustered to try and look at him. Worst part is, I didn't need to look at him to know how smug his face was looking right now.

"Oh shut up."

"Heh...you sure you want to give me orders right now?" There was a hint of playful darkness in his voice and I decided that I wanted to live today, even if that meant sucking up to this loser. This very, mildly....possibly, in a way, somewhat in another universe, attractive loser. 

"Oh no. I wouldn't dream of hurting his majesties fee-wings." I rolled my eyes again before decided to have some sort of pride restored. I carefully waited for a moment when he was looking at the road, so that after he left down his guard, I'd try to make him blush. He slowed down at a stop light, before checking his phone for something. 

I took the moment to lean forward and kiss his cheek, which resulted in Butch turning his head around at the right time and catching mine on his. SHIT! My mind was screaming, 



Embarrassed at the utter failure of my plan, I tried to pull myself off of him but he used his hand to hold my head in place by gripping my hair. My pressed his lips further into mine before I whined for air. He let go and I rocketed back into the corner slapping my hands over my mouth, face obviously redder than I expected. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. I swear, I thought he wasn't paying attention. I stopped huddling in the corner when I heard the blood boiling noise of a very particular laugh. At any other moment, I would've thought it was pleasant to a certain extent, but right now it was so fucking annoying. My face started to turned into a darker shade of red and the tips of my ears felt like they were on fire. 

"Oh mon Dieu. Ce qui ne va pas avec vous...."

He stopped laughing long enough to look at me,

"Im sorry...?"

I turned to face him and his eyes looked a little sorry. Sure. I'll go along with that.

"Tu vas me donner une crise cardiaque un jour, et je vais te botter le cul."

"Why are you speaking French?"

"Honnêtement, je ne serais pas en mesure de le dire maintenant si je n'utilisais pas le français. Je ne pense pas que vous compreniez à quel point c'est difficile pour moi de faire quelque chose comme ça, mais alors vous devez aller faire toutes ces conneries supplémentaires !"

His eyes were wide like a baby doe, but it was clear that he didn't know the hell I just said. I stopped talking and looked through the window again. God, why is this so tiring?

All i heard was I heavy sigh before hearing something that made my heart go limp.

"Tu sais que je parle français aussi non ?"

Shit. Since when did he speak French???

"What the shit?!"

"Buttercup you are the stupidest, most petty girl ever. You don't know to just shut up and take the compliment, but you are always ready to fight someone who insults you! For the love of god, I tried to kiss you to calm you down and I wasn't laughing at you, I was laughing at how caught off guard you were. It was funny seeing how cute and honest your reaction was..." I stopped thinking for a moment. Feeling myself getting cooler and steadily relaxed. I know that he just called me petty and stupid, but I was more happy than anything that he was talking to me. 

"I guess...I was nervous that if I didn't do anything...Morbucks might do something first."

I really hate lying, but I hate telling the truth even more. Especially if it's something soft like that.




"Buttercup, you do realize we're dating now right?"

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