Role of a Princess - The Sequel

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School lasted a lot longer than normal, and Butch was late to class. He arrived 20 minutes late, but Miss. Sadusa was able to 'let it slide'. Gross.... When she said that she had every other intention than school at that moment. Seriously...


I worked my ass off all day and completed a week's worth of assignments in 6 hours. At this point, I'm going to kill myself if I have to see another stack of missing assignments. From this point forward, no more slacking off. However, Butch wasn't making school any easier. If I ask him I know he'll deny it, but staring at me when I'm trying to work is fucking annoying. 

Anyway, once the bell rang and we were given our letters of the almighty Jesus telling us we can pass this school year's courses, I ran out of the room. Even if I have to see this pathetic building in another month, I don't feel like wasting any of that time. 

"Hey slow down!" I looked behind me and saw Butch running after me. The school grounds was crowded with slaves who were free from their 3 week sentences, so it was difficult to navigate. Eventually he stopped trying to keep up, and I motioned for him to meet me outside. He nodded his head and I sprinted for the doors to freedom.


I jumped down the steps and parked my happy ass next to the nearest tree. Obviously, my sister was in the parking lot waiting for me, but since she was the last person who thought I would wear a skirt, her eyes kept scanning over me. Plus, I was in the shade. So, out of sight, out of mind. The remaining of the students pooled out of the building, and bit by bit I started to get impatient. 

What is taking this loser so long? Truth be told, I kind of wanted a hell I would tell him that though. I walked up the stairs and heard the devil's voice, 

"Buttercup! Is that you?" FOR THE LOVE OF LUCIFER!!!

"Go away Blossom!" 

I ran up the remaining stairs and opened the doors to the school, it was quite and the floor had some trash, pencils and other litter. Where the hell is this kid? Did he already leave? My heart sunk causing me to stop walking. Of course. Why didn't I think that he was actually going to stay? Just then I heard some girlish giggles around the corner.

"What the hell..." I started to sneak around the corner and saw something I shouldn't have.

"Oh! Hello Buttercup!"

Morbucks had her arms wrapped around Butch's neck and some of her lipstick was on his neck as well. He looked incredibly uncomfortable, but he wasn't fighting back. If anything, he looked just as horrified that I saw. His black shirt was wrinkled, and his hair was messy. Someone who didn't know better would see this and assume the worst, but at this was I.

"What the hell.." is all I could say. Stupid, but I wasn't sure what was going on. The last thing I needed was to be defensive over a liar, or aggressive over a victim. 

It didn't make it hurt any less though. My heart was aching and I couldn't take it anymore. There was no more tears, or walls left to bring down. So why was he with Morbucks? I gave him to my hostile nature, and said something even I wouldn't have thought of.

"What the fuck are you doing with Morbuck? I was waiting for you outside."

"Well he doesn't want-"

"I wasn't talking to you bitch."

She looked at me wide eyed, and slowly let go off his neck. I wasn't sure what she was more scared of, the fact that I was there, or the fact that my voice was remarkably calm. He still had her 'I won' face on, but it was starting to really, really, piss me off. I took several steps closer before continuing my sentence,

"I thought dogs had to obey when being given an order?"

Butch stepped away from Morbucks and looked just as surprised, but he soon acknowledged just how screwed he's gonna be after I kick her ass. 

"Buttercup! She pulled me over here and then she kissed me!"

"Really? Did she ruffle your hair and unbutton her shirt at the same time to?"

He looked at me with a stunned and hurt expression. His eyes went dark and his tone got deadly. Morbucks got excited by that, but I knew better. 

It was at this moment that I knew...

I fucked up. 

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