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"And just the hell do you think you are trying to sock me after causing a fucking scene? Do you even know how hard it was for me to convince my brothers to watch you while I was gone? You really are quite the brat you know."

"Me? A scene? Never." I rolled my eyes and took a step- what-?

Let me rephrase that, I tried to take a step back. He was holding onto my wrist and he wouldn't let go, if anything he just squeezed harder. I was trying to avoid his eyes....but I ended up meeting them in the end.

He still had that stupid fluff-less head of hair, and his eyes were a darker shade of green. He wore all his piercings with the same colored jewelry as before, and had rings on his pinky, thumb, and index fingers. He had the same jacket that I now felt the urge to burn, and underneath was a black turtle neck. The bastard even had several chains around his neck to match the rings. He sounded angry, but if anything, his eyes were filled with amusement. What kind of asshole is amused with this? If anything he should be looking at me like I'm some sort of lunatic!

"Let. Go. Now." He smiled and yanked my wrist. I lost my balance but quickly regained it before I fell on him. I looked up and was a few inches from him.

"Butch, if you know what's good for you, let go."

"Whelp. Too bad I'm an idiot then."

"I swear to god if you kiss me again-"

"You'll do what? Go home and get yelled at? Pick a fight with a bunch of losers who brings knives? Or maybe you might want to kick me in the balls again to make yourself feel better?"

"How-? What the hell...?" My voice got softer and his grip got tighter. I was angry and I hoped to whatever entity was listen that he could see it, and feel my wrath. 

"Buttercup, " he let go of my wrist and put both hands on my shoulders, "do you even remember what happened to you?"


He looked as if he was waiting for a timer to go off. 


"You brought me to a freaking hospital ALRIGHT?!" WHAT MORE COULD YOU POSSIBLY WANT FROM ME?"

He let go of my shoulders before slamming his head into his hands, he look pissed. It even scared me a bit. Does he even know how we look right now? He's talking to a shirtless freak with blood dripping from her side, while the fire alarm is going off a hospital, near the ALLEY WAY they decided to have a conversation in. 

"You...are the STUPIDEST girl I have ever had the privilege of meeting!"


Why is this a privilege for him? And why is that so familiar again? My eyes widen. Holy shit...Does my dad even know I'm here? God! I am fucked when I get home...


My home was in Pokey Oaks neighborhood, before that the Townsville Bridge, and even before the bridge....

My home was with Prince. Not that I can actually remember what his faced looked like. After the cop tried to pull me away I fell and rolled down the riverbank. Hit my head on the way down, and ended up in the Hospital. I always forget that part. 

That was 12 years ago, and in 12 years I haven't seen him or anything the same way as before. The world is tough and depressing. Man, I just need a nap, but at the same time...

"What does it matter anymore.."


"Shit. I didn't mean to say that outload."

"Oh. well, ok then."

I looked up and saw that he had sympathy in his eyes, just like before. I hated that. I looked around, and noticed the fire alarm had stopped.  Everything was back to normal, and the world seemed to have forgotten about us. It was surprisingly peaceful.

Until I remembered that I'm basically half-naked.

"Oi, hand me your jacket."

He looked at me and cocked an eyebrow. Glad to see I caught him off-guard for once. 


"I'm freezing my ass off here. Just give me your jacket to wear for the time being till I get a shirt."

"Yeah, no. I'm good."

"Listen, just give me the ducking jacket and I'll call it even."

"Even? The hell? I don't owe you anything!"

"Like hell you don't! No one told you to come get me! No one told you to have your brothers watch over me! Especially that blonde asshole!"


"Oh my go- The one with the matching jacket? Stupid puppy look?"

"Oh! You mean Boomer!"

I stared at him. Was he serious? I must've looked like an idiot because he shared a similar confused expression. I thought about it for a moment, bringing a hand to my chin. If he was Butch's brother, and assuming they shared the same name, then his full name would be - 



He looked at me with a wide-eyes glare, as if not expecting me to make fun of him. Come one boy, this was bound to happen. I couldn't help but forget how angry I was, I was laughing my ass off right now, it was actually starting to hurt. It could've been my opening stitches, or just the fact that I hadn't laughed this hard in weeks. Whatever it was seemed to make Butch smile. He ended up laughing with me for a brief moment. 


We both looked towards the exist of the Hospital and sprinted towards the door. Boomer was angry to the point that his face was red. He had an ice pack on his lower chin and it was clear a bruise was forming. I decided to be the bigger person and walked inside the building, not surprising that everyone was glaring at me. It's not fault they have a stick up their asses. I shoved my hands in my pockets and walked back to my room. Might as well get these bandages off me right?

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