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That brings us to now. Im sitting on the couch, being scolded. Again. 

Dad had already given me the talk about how I should call whenever I was going to be late. As punishment I have to call him 'Professor' for a week. I use to call him that all the time when I was younger. One day I tested the waters and called him a variety of different things: Papa, Sir, Father..etc. Dont know why. Just did. It may or may not have been because Morbucks called me an orphan for the first time. Finally I settled on the word Dad. Seemed fitting enough....ever since then I felt ticked off by calling him professor. 

"Jesus Christs Butter! Are you even listening to me?"


"When are you going to start growing up!?"

"When are you going to let me!"

Blossom was clearly pissed off. I could tell that she just finished taking a shower since her hair was loose. A rare sight. Her hair stopped just past her knees and was sporting its natural wavy nature. 

Despite her love for pink she was sporting a white button down nightgown.


"Buttercup. Just because the professor let you off the hook doesnt mean I will."

"Well, arent you an angel."

She shoved her face in her hands and let out a loud frustrated sigh. I couldnt help her when ot came to her emotions. Bubbles was easy because most of the times she just wanted a hug or a pair of shoes. But Blossom? Fucking impossible to please. Whatever then... I guess i'll try to understand someday.

"I understand why 'Professor' is upset. I know that Bubbles is being fucking paranoid.."

"Annnd?" She gave me that glare your mother will give you as if she was waiting for a reason that I did anything. There is no reason. Not any she will be happy with. 

"But why are you so upset? Shouldn't you be worrying about your stupid council meetings?"


Her sister? I felt this massive weight start to move off my shoulders. The weight that made it seem as if I was inferior to her.

"Besides, Im part of the council. So shouldn't my siblings act accordingly?"


The weight returned. Cant say im suprised. Everything is about her. Everything is about her image. Why isnt this incident any different? I knew that by going to the Junkyard I would come back covered in dirt why hasnt anyone asked about that?

I must smell like oil and weed killer but no one is going to ask? I was with a boy at 9 pm instead of at home eating dinner with my family and no one has the time of day to wonder if im alright?

"Dear god Blossom."

"Oh what now!?"

"Thanks for such a lovley talk." With that, i stood up and left the room.

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