𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝚘𝚗𝚎

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Jing Xiao's Pov.

Wait what?!

Anong date?!

Ano ba tong pinagsasabi ng lalaking toh?!?!

" sino toh, Jing Xiao? Boyfriend mo?" -He Nian

" hindi ko siya boyfriend." -Jing Xiao

" hindi niya ako boyfriend." -Si Cheng

Sabay naming sinabi.

" edi bakit sinasabi mo na may date kayong dalawa ni Jing Xiao? Nanggugulo ba ito sa'yo Jing Xiao?! Gusto mo sapakin ko?" -He Nian

" hindi niya ako boyfriend, kasi fiancé niya ako." -Si Cheng

He Nian's eyes widened before turning to look at me.

" may fiancé ka na?" -He Nian

I rolled my eyes before standing up and pushing Si Cheng beside.

" we are arranged to each other, okay?" -Jing Xiao

" at ikaw? Sino ka nanaman? Ginugulo ka ba nito Jing Xiao? Bakit mo siya kasama?" -Si Cheng

" Si Cheng-" -Jing Xiao

" ikaw, huwag kang lumapit lapit sa fiancé ko." -Si Cheng

He pointed at my best friend's face but I immediately yanked it away.

" Si Cheng, he is my best friend. So he has a right to sit with me." -Jing Xiao

I turned around to smile at He Nian.

" right He Nian?" -Jing Xiao

He smiled back before nodding.

" And you..." -Jing Xiao

I turned to look at Si Cheng while pointing my index finger at him

" ...we will talk later." -Jing Xiao

Kinuha ko yung bag ko bago umalis sa harapan nila.

" hala ka. Nagalit si soon to be Mrs. Dong!" -Yi Ren

I heard Yi Ren said making me halt and making her bump into my back.

I turned around before shooting a glare at Yi Ren.

She innocently smiled at me, realizing what she had said earlier.

" sorry, let's go shall we?" -Yi Ren

Yi Ren said as she placed both of her palms are my back and started to push me out of the canteen.

" wait tatawagin ko muna si Si Cheng." -Jing Xiao

I was about to go back inside the canteen but Yi Ren blocked my way.

" sandali, sandali lang. Anong gagawin mo sa kaniya ha?" -Yi Ren

" wala, kakausapin ko lang." -Jing Xiao

" kakausapin lang ha?" -Yi Ren

" oo nga." -Jing Xiao

" wait." -Yi Ren

She grabbed my arm.

" calm yourself, don't hurt him. Alright?" -Yi Ren

I nodded before opening the door of the canteen gaining everybody's attention.

" Dong Si Cheng!" -Jing Xiao

He turned around and looked at me.

" Talk." -Jing Xiao

I gestured him to come with me making him gulp.

I turned around and headed towards the exit.

Students inside the canteen started to whisper and tease Si Cheng.

" Hala ka. Papagalitan ata si Si Cheng."

" grabe naman."

" mapanghusga kasi siya. Bakit bawal ba na tumabi kay Jing Xiao?"

Si Cheng glared at them before grabbing the male student's collar.

" anong sinabi mo? Mapanghusga? Gusto mo ata makatikim ng suntok ko-" -Si Cheng

" Si Cheng!" -Jing Xiao

I cutted him off making his eyes to look at me.

" put him down. Now." -Jing Xiao

Si Cheng rolled his eyes before pushing the male student down and walking towards me.

He was about to hold my hand but I walked away from him and walked towards the male student.

" are you alright? I'm sorry about him.  He's just- hey!" -Jing Xiao

Bigla niyang hinablot yung kamay ko sabay hila sa akin papunta sa rooftop.

" uy! Hinay hinay lang sa paghila! Mababalian ako ng buto dahil sa'yo eh." -Jing Xiao

The moment the two of us arrived at the rooftop he let go of my arm and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

" sino ba yung lalaki yun?" -Si Cheng

" best friend ko." -Jing Xiao

" talaga lang ha." -Si Cheng

I rolled my eyes.

" I am saying the truth. He Nian is just my best friend." -Jing Xiao

" so He Nian is his name." -Si Cheng

" Bakit nagseselos ka?" -Jing Xiao

He gave me a look of disgust.

" ako nagseselos?" -Si Cheng

Si Cheng pointed at himself.

" pft... Huwag kang umasa. By the way bakit mo ba akong gusto kausapin? " -Si Cheng

" because you are fighting with my best friend. Si Cheng, you are not a kid anymore. Don't fight with him if you are jealous." -Jing Xiao

" I told you, hindi ako nagseselos. Never." -Si Cheng

" talaga lang ha?" -Jing Xiao

" talaga!" -Si Cheng

The two of us rolled our eyes in sync before looking away from each other.

I heard a vibrating sound making me look at my bag.

" may tumatawag ata sa iyo." -Si Cheng

I looked inside my bag and saw my phone isn't vibrating.

" I think sa'yo yung may tumatawag." -Jing Xiao

His eyes widened as he started to look for his phone on his pockets.

Kinuha niya yung phone niya bago niya ito sinagot.

Si Cheng's Pov.

I saw the person's ID and immediately answered it before placing it on my ear.

Phone call...

Si Cheng: Mom? Do you need anything?

Mom: yes, honey. We need to talk about your wedding with Jing Xiao.

I looked over at Jing Xiao before turning around.

Phone call...

Si Cheng: what is about the wedding, mom?

Mom: well, we decided to move it.

𝙢𝙧. 𝙗𝙖𝙙 𝙗𝙤𝙮 // 𝘿𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙎𝙞 𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙣𝙜Where stories live. Discover now