𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚢-𝚘𝚗𝚎

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A/n's Pov.

" Mrs. Jia!" -Jing Xiao

The girl yelled as she saw the older watering the flowers in front of her unopened restaurant.

" oh good morning, Jing Xiao." -Mrs. Jia

" may I ask where were you yesterday Mrs. Jia? The staffs told me you went somewhere else." -Jing Xiao

" oh I was in Busan for a business trip, why?" -Mrs. Jia

" I really wanted to know what happened next to your love story!" -Jing Xiao

Mrs. Jia giggled before turning off the water hose and placing it beside the vases of roses.

" you are one curious child aren't you?" -Mrs. Jia

" I just like your story, it's like the dramas I watch when I was younger, well until know I still do watch dramas." -Jing Xiao

" alright, alright. If you really wanted to know. Well, where did I stop?" -Mrs. Jia

" the time your mother in law tried to take your baby from you." -Jing Xiao

Mrs. Jia nodded before inviting the younger inside the restaurant to drink tea while talking.

" that time, his mother really wanted to take the baby from me but I refused. She kicked me out with my baby but my husband took us to their townhouse where we stayed for a while. But his mother found out and now instead of kicking us out, she tried to take my baby from me. She said that she wanted our baby to go with them in the States but, she wanted me to stay here." -Mrs. Jia

" so what did you do?" -Jing Xiao

" I refused of course. But they really tried to take my baby away. So I just decided to run away from them." -Mrs. Jia

" like umalis kayo sa bahay? Kayong dalawa ng baby niyo?" -Jing Xiao

Tumango siya.

" it was rainy that time while we were trying to look for a place to stay on until the rain stops. But no matter how we hide from them, they found us so we ran away again. And this time, I saw an orphanage. Even though it's hard for me, I gave my baby there, just to save it because if give it to my mother in law, I don't know what cruel things she might do to my baby." -Mrs. Jia

" oh..." -Jing Xiao

" I ran so the guards would follow me, thinking that I have the baby. I ran as fast as I can until I finally lost them. A kind lady found me and took care of me. She has no other family members and so do I, so she decided to adopt me. She took good care of me, as if I am her own daughter. She also made me study in one of the most expensive school in the world. We transferred to Korea to live here, but sadly she got sick and died. And ever since, I was the only one living on my own." -Mrs. Jia

A sigh came out from Mrs. Jia's mouth.

" So did you try looking for your child?" -Jing Xiao

" currently I am. Her birthday is coming and I am praying that I can find her." -Mrs. Jia

" don't worry Mrs. Jia, I know one day you'll find her. And oh, your baby's a girl?" -Jing Xiao

" yes. Now I have finished my story, how about you tell me your and Si Cheng's love story." -Mrs. Jia

The younger girl chuckled.

" actually, our story is very weird." -Jing Xiao

" it's fine, I just wanted to know about it. Come on just tell me." -Mrs. Jia

𝙢𝙧. 𝙗𝙖𝙙 𝙗𝙤𝙮 // 𝘿𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙎𝙞 𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙣𝙜Where stories live. Discover now