𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢-𝚜𝚒𝚡

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Si Cheng's Pov.

Flower girls filled the aisle with the flowers from their basket.

Our aunts and uncles already walked in the aisle as well.

And now, it's time for the bride.

My heart pounded inside my chest while the sound of the door opening filled my ears.

The doors of the church was now opened, revealing the bride.

I got even nervous, when I saw her holding the bouquet of flowers in her hands.

Dad gently patted my back as he tried to calm me down or lower my nervousness.

Jing Xiao walked down the aisle with her father by her side.

His father smiled at her before turning to smile at me.

So, this is the feeling of getting married.

She looked so beautiful in the white dress she is wearing right now.

Jing Xiao's father passed Jing Xiao's hand to me and I gladly accepted it.

She clung unto my arm before saying a small thank you to her dad.

" nervous?" -Si Cheng

I asked her in a whispering tone, that only the two of us can hear.

" yeah, quite." -Jing Xiao

She replied with a shy smile plastered on her lips.

" you're beautiful." -Si Cheng

Jing Xiao glared at me before slightly hitting my arm.

" oh, shut up." -Jing Xiao

I chuckled at her statement as we walked towards the altar.

Then the ceremony started.

Time Skips...

" Let us hear the couple's commitment to each other." -priest

I look over at Jing Xiao before smiling awkwardly and she did the same before looking away.

" I, Dong Si Cheng, take thee, Byun Jing Xiao, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance. And thereto I pledge thee my faith." -Si Cheng

Now it's her turn to say her vows, so the person beside Jing Xiao gave her the microphone.

She cleared her throat before speaking.

" I, Byun Jing Xiao, take thee, Dong Si Cheng, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance. And thereto I pledge thee my faith." -Jing Xiao

She smiled at me and gave the mic to the person near her.

" alright. I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." -priest

The whole church starts to cheer making me and Jing Xiao to blush a bit.

Jing Xiao's Pov.


We're still going to kiss?

Why am I not informed about this?

Oh what do you think so, Byun Jing Xiao?

Of course it's a wedding.

The groom and the bride really need to kiss.

But, I'll get teased by my friends about this.

I looked up at Si Cheng, who is nervously chuckling and blushing so hard that he looks like a tomato.

" kailangan pa ba talaga?" -Jing Xiao

Sabi ko sa kaniya.

" of course, and don't act as if we have never kissed before." -Si Cheng

He rolled his eyes before grabbing my hips with one of his hands and suddenly pulling me closer to him, which made the people around squeal.

" Si Cheng-" -Jing Xiao

" just shut up." -Si Cheng

And just a second after those words left his mouth, his lips were touching with mine.

The whole crowd started to cheer, scream and squeal.

He slowly pulled away from me before smiling as if nothing happened.

Heat started to fill my cheeks making me cover my face by hiding it behind his back.

" don't be shy, baby. Or should I say, Mrs. Dong?" -Si Cheng

He teased and I hit his arm so he would shut up, but he just chuckled because of my childish attitude.

The two of us looked in front and smiled before walking down the stairs, hands intertwined with each other.

People started to throw flowers as we walk down the aisle.

I saw my friends waving and teasing me with their facial expressions and so did Si Cheng's friends.

The two of us got inside the car and it drove towards the venue where we are going to eat.

" so..." -Si Cheng

I turned my head towards him.

" ...official na Mrs. Dong ka na." -Si Cheng

I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

" baliw ka talaga." -Jing Xiao

" oo, baliw sa'yo ayiee~ kilig na yan." -Si Cheng

He suddenly poked my side making me let out a giggle, because that is my ticklish spot.

" ay... diyan pala yung kiliti mo. Kikilitiin nga." -Si Cheng

Si Cheng suddenly placed his hands on both of my sides before moving his fingers, poking it.

" Tama na nga!" -Jing Xiao

I tried to stop him while laughing so hard.

He smiled at me before continuing to tickle my sides.

I was shifting around trying to find a way to stop him from tickling me.

" sabi k-ko *laughs* tama na!" -Jing Xiao

I heard Si Cheng chuckled and tickled me even more.

A laugh escapes from my mouth everytime I tried to speak or stop him.

Driver's Pov.

Edi sanaol.

They are finally married!!!
*insert wedding song*
Yasss queen!
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Thank you again guys, God bless and lots of luv from yours truly.

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