𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚢-𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

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As Jing Xiao got out of the room, Si Cheng ran towards the girl.

" Jing Xiao!" -Si Cheng

The guy immediately hugged the girl and looked at her hand, then he suddenly but gently hit the girl's head making the woman next to her gasp.

" what do you think you are doing huh? I told you not to go outside. What if something worst happened to you?" -Si Cheng

" who's this, Jing Xiao? Your boyfriend?" -Mrs. Jia

" um-" -Jing Xiao

Before she could even finish her sentence, the boy suddenly attacked her with a lot of questions.

" yah! Byun Jing Xiao! I am still talking to you!  What do you think you are doing? Look what happened to you. Yah-" -Si Cheng

The younger covered his mouth before smiling at the woman.

" excuse me, Mrs. Jia." -Jing Xiao

Mrs. Jia smiled as the younger bowed, the girl then pulled the boy to their table.

" pwede tumahimik ka muna? Hindi mo ba kilala kung sino yung kausap ko kanina?" -Jing Xiao

" obviously hindi." -Si Cheng

" owner yung ng restaurant na ito. Sabi niya bibigyan niya daw tayo ng discount dito sa restaurant." -Jing Xiao

" ah talaga? Pake ko ba? Tingnan mo kung anong nangyari sa iyo-" -Si Cheng

" wait!" -Jing Xiao

Sigaw ng babae.

" ano nanaman?" -Si Cheng

" yung painting. Familiar siya." -Jing Xiao

" yun lang?" -Si Cheng

The girl stood up from her seat and walked towards the painting that was hanged unto the wall.

" this is the famous 'Ideal Love' by the artist..." -Jing Xiao

" Nakamoto Yuta." -Jing Xiao and Mrs. Jia

Tiningnan ni Jing Xiao si Mrs. Jia with eyes wide opened because of surprise.

" you know him, Mrs. Jia?" -Jing Xiao

" of course, I like his paintings. Correction I love his paintings." -Mrs. Jia

The older chuckled as she looked at the other paintings on the wall but her attention on the painting was taken away when the younger girl gasped.

" where did you get this?" -Jing Xiao

She referred to the painting.

" this is the 'Music Box' by Huang Renjun. Isn't this expensive?" -Jing Xiao

" yes it is." -Mrs. Jia

" how much is the cost of the painting?" -Jing Xiao

" around 20,000 dollars." -Mrs. Jia

" 20,000?! Woah, I can't afford that." -Jing Xiao

The woman looked at Jing Xiao with both arms crossed.

" why? Do you want to buy paintings?" -Mrs. Jia

" yeah, I really love their paintings. It's just one of a kind. And I really love arts." -Jing Xiao

Mrs. Jia nodded and drank the coffee on her hand.

" looks like we have a lot in common." -Mrs. Jia

" I guess so." -Jing Xiao

" but what if..." -Mrs. Jia

The younger looked at her with curiosity filling her face.

𝙢𝙧. 𝙗𝙖𝙙 𝙗𝙤𝙮 // 𝘿𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙎𝙞 𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙣𝙜Where stories live. Discover now