𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

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" Byun Jing Xiao!" -Yi Ren

Yi Ren yelled as she get inside the classroom, gaining the other students' attention and gaze, before running towards me.

Ano nanaman kaya tong nangyari sa babaeng ito?

" ang aga aga, ang ingay mo, what happened to you girl?" -Jing Xiao

She suddenly hugged me before sitting beside me.

" anyare sa iyo?" -Jing Xiao

I took her arms off me while observing her.

" Ah alam ko na, gusto mo magshopping noh? No sorry, I'm busy." -Jing Xiao

" hindi ah!" -Yi Ren

She suddenly hit my arm.

" I'm not in the mood for shopping okay?" -Yi Ren

" okay, okay. Huwag kang magalit at manapak." -Jing Xiao

I said while massaging the part of my arm where she hit earlier.

" kung wala ka sa mood magshopping... edi bakit kung maka sigaw ka kanina as if hindi tayo nagkita for more than a century?" -Jing Xiao

" bakit, bawal ba? Namiss lang kasi kita, that's all." -Yi Ren

Yi Ren clung unto my arm once again.

" hm... You are suspicious. Hindi ka ganito kasi clingy noon." -Jing Xiao

" Ano ba yan! Edi wag. Kung ayaw mo edi ayaw." -Yi Ren

She let go of my arm she was clinging unto earlier.

" uy, joke lang." -Jing Xiao

Now I am the one who is clinging unto her arm.

Yi Ren chuckled and patted my head, which is laying on her shoulder.

" by the way, about the post." -Yi Ren

I moved my head away from her shoulder before looking at Yi Ren.

" Are you and Si Cheng still talking? Like talking about the post?" -Yi Ren

I let go of her arms and sat straight.

" well..." -Jing Xiao

" well what?" -Yi Ren

" ...we're fine, I explained what really happened that night." -Jing Xiao

" what did he said though?" -Yi Ren

" um, well sabi niya- wait why are you curious about it?" -Jing Xiao

" no, I just wanted to know." -Yi Ren

I sighed and was about to tell her but the teacher suddenly came in.

Yi Ren mumbled something but it wasn't that loud for me to hear.

" what?" -Jing Xiao

" huh?" -Yi Ren

She turned her head to look at me.

" you were saying something earlier, what is it?" -Jing Xiao

" oh it's nothing." -Yi Ren

Yi Ren smiled before turning her head to look at the teacher who is about to teach her lesson.

Time Skips...

" Xiao, mamaya na tayo magsabay kumain, may pupuntahan pa kasi ako." -Yi Ren

" ah okay, okay." -Jing Xiao

Yi Ren smiled before opening her arms for a hug.

And of course, I can't reject that, so I hugged her.

𝙢𝙧. 𝙗𝙖𝙙 𝙗𝙤𝙮 // 𝘿𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙎𝙞 𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙣𝙜Where stories live. Discover now