𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎

137 11 3

A/n's Pov.

" Byun Jing Xiao!" -Si Cheng

Si Cheng yelled the girl's name from the kitchen.

The younger one groaned before walking downstairs to the boy who has been calling and yelling her name for almost a minute now.

She peeked her head on the kitchen's doorway.

" what?!" -Jing Xiao

" I have been calling your name for a whole minute, yet you aren't answering at all!" -Si Cheng

" well, it's because, I am doing something up in my room. And by that, I mean, scrolling through my news feed." -Jing Xiao

Jing Xiao showed Si Cheng her phone.

Si Cheng rolled his eyes before taking Jing Xiao's phone out of her hand.

" hey! Give me back my phone!" -Jing Xiao

She started to tip toe to get the phone away from the guy in front of her.

" nuh-uh. Not until you do the chores, I am asking you to do." -Si Cheng

Si Cheng placed Jing Xiao's phone on his pocket.

" fine. What do you want me to do then?" -Jing Xiao

Jing Xiao lazily said as she look at Si Cheng.

" alright, first of all. Clean the living room then after that water the plants. And by that, I mean all the plants in the garden. Take all the clothes that your brother cleaned and iron it before folding and placing it on it's assigned places and rooms, next clean the bathroom and your room as well, I'll handle the other rooms. After all of that, cook dinner." -Si Cheng

" wait- what?! Do- why- oh come on!" -Jing Xiao

She rolled her eyes while groaning and walking away from Si Cheng.

Jing Xiao looked for the broom and started to sweep across the living room.

Si Cheng, who is washing the dishes, watched her from the kitchen.

He smiled to himself as he heard Jing Xiao groan and throw the broom away.

" why is this house so dusty?!" -Jing Xiao

" ask yourself, you are the one who stays here." -Si Cheng

" excuse me, for your information. I am not the only one who stays here. Baekhyun ge also stays here and... And... Snow!" -Jing Xiao

Jing Xiao pointed at the cat who is licking it's paw.

But the moment the cat heard its name, the cat immediately looked at his owner.

Si Cheng chuckled before speaking.

" wow, pati ang pusa dinamay mo?" -Si Cheng

" Bakit, hindi ba totoo? Aba, nakatira rin yan dito, noh." -Jing Xiao

What she said made the male chuckle.

" magwalis ka na lang kaya diyan. Para mas mabilis matapos yung trabaho mo." -Si Cheng

The girl rolled her eyes before getting the broom and glaring at the guy who is cleaning the dishes.

She thought of an idea and smiled to herself as she placed the broom down and walked towards the male.

Jing Xiao crouched and looked at Si Cheng before looking at the pocket of his pants, where she saw her phone.

She slowly and QUIETLY walked towards Si Cheng before trying to get the phone.

But Si Cheng suddenly grabbed her wrist, to stop her from her plan, before pulling her up to stand straight.

Si Cheng pulled her closer to him by grabbing her waist.

" and what do you think you are doing?" -Si Cheng

" getting my phone, obviously." -Jing Xiao

She attempted to get her phone again but Si Cheng's reflexes are faster than hers.

" ugh, come on." -Jing Xiao

" you haven't done even half of your chores yet." -Si Cheng

" please, Si Cheng. Just this once, please." -Jing Xiao

" no. Now I'll give you exactly..." -Si Cheng

He looked at his watch.

"...5 hours to finish all of your chores, or else you'll have a punishment." -Si Cheng

" a punishment?" -Jing Xiao

Manginig nginig na tanong ng dalaga.

" yes, now go do your chores." -Si Cheng

He placed a small kiss on her lips before pushing her back to the living room.

She touched her lips and looked back at Si Cheng who looked at her as well.

Jing Xiao rolled her eyes before turning around.

Her cheeks warm up while thinking of what the boy just did to her.

" Yah! Byun Jing Xiao! Focus! Just don't mind what he did." -Jing Xiao

She slapped herself making her grumble.

" And stop blushing, will you? He just kissed you okay? Why are you blushing so hard?!" -Jing Xiao

Jing Xiao said as she touched her cheeks.

" Don't tell me you like him. Oh Byun Jing Xiao, don't tell me you are starting to like him! No, no, no, no." -Jing Xiao

Jing Xiao mumbled while still slapping herself.

" are you saying something, baby?" -Si Cheng

Si Cheng unexpectedly appeared on her back making her eyes dilate.

" n-nothing. A-and it's none of your business! Go, do you work!" -Jing Xiao

She walked away from Si Cheng with the broom on her hand.

" idiot." -Si Cheng

He said before silently chuckling.

𝙢𝙧. 𝙗𝙖𝙙 𝙗𝙤𝙮 // 𝘿𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙎𝙞 𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙣𝙜Where stories live. Discover now