𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚢-𝚝𝚠𝚘

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The sun shines from the window to the girl's face, earning a groan to come out of her mouth.

She squinted her eyes, still half awake before trying to move but she suddenly felt a sudden pain on her leg, waking the boy next to her.

" oh, bakit ang aga mong nagising? And what are you whining about?" -Si Cheng

" masakit yung binti ko." -Jing Xiao

Napangiti si Si Cheng bago yakapin si Jing Xiao.

" am I that rough?" -Si Cheng

" baliw!" -Jing Xiao

She slapped the boy's arm that was wrapped around her waist.

" what do you think about my gift? The best birthday gift?" -Si Cheng

" mmm-hmm." -Jing Xiao

The girl hummed softly before trying to sit down, making the boy chuckle evily before carrying the girl in his arms and walking towards the bathroom.

" sabay na tayo. Para matulungan na rin kita." -Si Cheng

Mrs. Jia's Pov.

I sat on the bed while massaging the temples of my head.

The time I hugged her, I felt the same feeling I hugged my daughter.

It's like she is my daughter.

Is there any possibility?

I mean, she is Chinese like me, but it doesn't mean she is my daughter. And I don't think she is an orphan.

" Mrs. Jia." -butler

I lift my head up and looked at the door where my butler is standing.

" yes?" -Mrs. Jia

" Mr. Huang is already here for your meeting." -butler

" oh okay, just tell him to wait." -Mrs. Jia

My butler nodded before bowing and leaving my room.

" what if she's really my daughter? I mean I never felt that way to any girls that I met. And also, they have the same name, the exact same name. Oh gosh, I think I am going crazy." -Mrs. Jia

She let out a groan and stood up to find the file she kept when she visited the orphanage 10 years ago.

A/n's Pov.


The woman saw the orphanage where she left her daughter and immediately ran towards it to see if the baby is still staying there.

She knocked on the door and a middle aged woman opened it.

" yes ma'am?" -woman

" um... Hi, I am Jia Hui Ying. Did you got any baby here, like it was left in the door of the orphanage um... It was July, 1998 in the evening." -Mrs. Jia

" uh... Yes ma'am. Come in so we can talk about her." -woman

When she heard the word 'her' she smiled, knowing that the baby the woman is talking about is her long lost daughter.

" we actually got a baby on July, 1998. And she's the only one for that month, so I think she's the one you are looking for." -woman

The woman gave me the file about the baby.

" is this baby you are looking for, your daughter?" -woman

Mrs. Jia nodded before opening the file.

𝙢𝙧. 𝙗𝙖𝙙 𝙗𝙤𝙮 // 𝘿𝙤𝙣𝙜 𝙎𝙞 𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙣𝙜Where stories live. Discover now