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I walked into the art room, ready for another boring class of making clay hand sculptures.

"Attention, please," yelled Mr. Arden.

"Today, we are going to start something new. I will be assigning partners to each of you. Together you will work on a free choice art project. I want you all to learn how to do art with other people, as well as be able to incorporate your own ideas in any form of art."

Mr. Arden continued to explain the project, and I tuned him out. I just wanted to be out of this class, and with Tyler. He was leaving in less than 24 hours. Mr. Arden began to select partners. Distracted, I pulled out my phone under the table.

There was a text from Tyler:
Turns out we're leaving this afternoon at around 4. Need to be in NY sooner than expected. I'm so sorry. I hope I can still see you before we leave <3

My heart sunk.

Four o'clock? This class ended at three. That gave us less than an hour together.

"Uhh... Jessica?"

I looked up at Mr. Arden, who was looking at me expectantly.

"Your partner is Madison. And I'll take that phone," he said sternly.

He grabbed it from my hand before I could even lock it. He held it up, and pushed his glasses up from the bridge of his nose.

"Who is this Tyler you are texting?" he asked.

I could feel myself turning red. It was bad enough that he was doing this in front of the whole class, but he was doing it in front of my partner, aka Madison. She had a furious glare on her face.

"H... he's... just a friend," I stuttered.

Thankfully Mr. Arden did not continue probing. He just placed my phone on his desk, and continued giving out partners. Of course, out of the fifty some people in this class, it had to be her. Of course, especially after Tyler and I had started dating. I could still feel her glare on me.

Luckily, we didn't have to work with our partners this class. We were finishing our hand sculptures today, and would begin next class. I was tempted to go up and ask Mr. Arden for a different partner, but I wasn't exactly on the best terms with him right now. So, I kept quiet in my seat.

Eventually the class ended. I put my finished hand sculpture on the rack labeled "Ready For Kiln."

Mr. Arden handed me my phone, "I take it this will not happen again Miss Lightcap."

"It won't. I'm sorry," I replied.

I took my phone and practically dashed out of the room. It was already 3:06. I called Tyler and told him I was on my way to the tour bus.


Tyler was waiting outside for me.

"Hey," he said. "I'm so sorry. I wish we could stay longer, but Mark, our manager, insists that we get a move on. We have a lot to prepare there... Plus we have an interview..." he rambled.

"Tyler, you don't have to apologize, you were gonna leave tomorrow morning anyway."

"I'm going to miss you so much," he frowned.

"Me too," I sighed, "But you have to promise to keep your focus on your music. I know you'll do great. You have so much talent."

"I mean I do have a lot of talent," he joked. He smiled for a few seconds, and then returned to a grim expression.

"Seriously, you do. Is something wrong?" I asked.

"It's nothing," he replied.

I looked at him expectantly; I knew that something was on his mind.

"I'm just worried, that when I leave, you're going to move on or something. There are a lot of guys here on campus..." he started.

"Move on? We just started dating. I promise Tyler that it won't happen. I'm completely attracted to you. And only you," I smiled and took his hand.

He seemed to be trying to hide a smile.

"Plus, while you're on tour, you could be doing the same. You know how many fans would love to date you? You will be going to so many places with so many people. But the Tyler I know, would never ever let me down."

"I wouldn't. I have no interest in those girls. You're the only one I want. I may not have realized it before, but you're the only one I've ever wanted. I... I love you."

Although he had said many times before that he loved me, or was in love with me, this was the first real and true "I love you," and I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.

"I love you t--,"

Before I could finish my sentence, our lips collided. I wrapped my arms around his neck, his arms around my waist. I played with the short hairs on the back of his neck, he ran his fingers up and down my back. From the corner of my eye, I saw Josh watching us from the bus window. But it didn't matter; I only kissed Tyler more passionately. I shut my eyes, and I'm not sure how long we made out, or how long Josh watched us. However, I was sure that it was wonderful.

We eventually went inside to hang out with Josh. Although, Josh has been acting cold towards us since we started dating. I checked my phone: 3:46.

"So guess who's my new partner in art?"

"Who?" Tyler asked.

"Madison," I said with a grudge.

"Ohhh," Tyler said, "good luck with that. She can be a handful."

"Tell me about it," I said, my stomach twisting at the thought of working with her.

The remaining minutes went by really quickly. I looked at my phone again. It was now 3:57.

"Unfortunately, we really need to go," Josh interrupted.

"I know," I frowned.

I gave him an awkward, friendly hug goodbye and wished him luck. Tyler walked me out to my car.

"I love you," I said, "Call me everyday if you have time."

"I will make time, no matter what," he promised. "I love you so much."

We kissed one last time. I opened my car door, but before I could get in, Tyler wrapped me up into a tight hug, and kissed the side of my head.

"Come on Tyler, we need to start driving," Josh shouted out the door.

We let go of each other slowly, and soon enough I was driving away, looking back at the bus in my rearview mirrors. A tear rolled down my cheek. I shouldn't be crying. There was no reason. I would see Tyler again, and in the meantime, we could talk as much as we wanted on the phone. Long distance could work if we really love each other, unlike Carter and I. It would be okay, right? Well, it would have to be.

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