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"Thanks for picking me up," Alex said as he got into my car.

"Yeah, of course." I was taking Alex back to the campus. He hadn't had any memory loss, since the first time, and was basically recovered. He just had to wear his arm in a sling for a few weeks. He was also told to take it easy as far as academics and physical activity; his concussion was still healing.

"My car is finally fixed, but I'm not allowed to drive for two weeks," he explained.

"Oh okay, well consider me your personal chauffeur until then," I said with a small giggle. "I'm glad, you're coming back, I've really missed hanging out with you."

"Me too," he smiled.

My phone rang. I kept my eyes focused on the road.

"Do you want me to get that for you?" Alex asked and motioned towards my phone, resting in the cup holders.

"Nah, it's probably just my mom," I said.

Upon passing the creamery, I stopped the car.

"Up for some ice cream?" I asked.

I hadn't been here since my very first day with Alex, Ruby, Kara, and Kyle. How things had changed since then.

Alex quickly snapped me out of my thought, "Hell yeah, hospital ice cream sucks," he said.

"This was the first place we went together," he commented as we walked through the doors.

"I was just thinking that in the car. It's amazing how much can happen in two months."

I'd arrived here in late August, and it was nearing the end of October. Tyler and Josh were going back on tour on November 11th. I pushed the thought away and read the creamery flavors aloud.

I decided on traditional chocolate chip cookie dough, and Alex ordered watermelon sorbet. We sat at a table for two near the doors. We sat in a few moments of silence, when Alex suddenly spoke.

"I love you Jessica," he said, "I don't know what it is, but from the day I first met you, I knew that there was something special about you. Something I didn't want to let go."

"I..." I started. "I love you too," I worked out.

He was being so nice, but he still didn't remember what happened.

"Alex, I need to tell you something," I began nervously.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Jess?" I heard someone say from behind me. I whipped my head around, and saw Madison. Relieved that it wasn't Tyler, I sighed.

"Hey," I said.

"Just to let you know, I'm going to get Tyler back, and you can't do anything about it," she threatened.

"Go right ahead. It's not like I care. This is my boyfriend, Alex. Trust me, I'm the least of your worries," I said with confidence.

Alex smiled at her awkwardly, and she walked away in a huff.

"Gee, someone feels threatened," Alex said.

"Don't worry about it. It's just Tyler's over-controlling ex," I explained a little aggravated.

"You aren't jealous, are you?" he asked.

"Of course not," I said, a bit unconvincingly.

"So what were you gonna tell me earlier?"

I quickly remembered, but couldn't bring myself to do it. "Oh, nothing. It wasn't important," I said, and finished my ice cream.


Back in my dorm, I finally checked to see who's call I'd missed earlier. Tyler's name appeared on the screen. I unfocused and refocused my eyes on the black pixels that spelled out "Tyler Joseph." There was a voicemail:

"Hey Jess. Uhh... I... nevermind. Just call me when you get a chance."

The line clicked off. I had to call him back. I hadn't heard from him since we fought, about a week ago. I pressed and held my finger over the green "Call Back" button. I released my finger and brought my phone up to my ear. It rang four times and went into voicemail.

"I have these thoughts so often I ought to replace that slot with what I once bought, cause somebody stole my car radio and now I just sit in silence. Leave a message!"

Tyler's voice rang out in my ears. I missed it. I then realized that it had beeped already, and my message was recording.

"Oh, hey, just returning your call from earlier, um, call me back, okay bye."

After I hung up, I quickly turned on Twenty One Pilots, feeling the need to hear Tyler's voice again. "Friend, Please" played. I shouldn't be thinking about Tyler this way, I told myself. Even if I couldn't have Tyler, it wasn't fair for me to be dating Alex while I had feelings for Tyler. This is why I didn't want a relationship in the first place. It was so stressful and complicated. I unlocked my phone as Tyler's photo and name came up. I pressed the green button to answer.

"Hello?" I said timidly.

"Jess. Hey, I just wanted to let you know... you know how I said Josh and I were leaving on the eleventh? Well, we aren't. We're leaving on Wednesday."

It was Sunday. That gave me just three days to straighten everything out with Tyler. I couldn't let him leave mad at me.

"Oh, that's soon," I replied dumbly.

"Yeah, so I was thinking we should hang out, you know at least one last time, before we leave," he said.

"Uh. I don't know Tyler. I guess, as long as we promise to keep it "friends only" and no fighting."

"You got it. Just two friends hanging out, I promise. Josh can even tag along if that makes you feel better."

I smiled, "Okay, when are you free before you leave?"

"Umm... probably not on Tuesday. We have a lot of preparation to do, tomorrow?"

"I have a three classes tomorrow, and then I have a meeting later on. I'm going to try sign up for dance classes, here. My foot has been better for a while now, and I miss it," I explained.

"So that leaves tonight?" Tyler questioned.

I couldn't say no. I had to see him. This could be the last time I'd see him for months, maybe even years.

"I guess tonight works."

"Wanna just come over to our bus? I'm kind of tired. We could just order pizza and hang out," he offered.

"Sounds good to me, I'll be over around six."

"Okay, see you then."

On that note, I ended the call.

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