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After another stressful English exam, Kara and I headed downtown for coffee. It was sunny, but beginning to get pretty cold outside. Kara and I talked, but my mind was distant. For one thing, I was nervous about how things would go in my next class: art. I also couldn't help but wonder why Tyler didn't want Madison to know about us. I was probably over thinking it; maybe he honestly just didn't want her to be hurt.

"Jess," Kara snapped.

"Wh.. oh, sorry."

"Is something going on? I feel like we can't even have a normal conversation anymore," she said annoyed.

"I just have a lot on my mind."

"I have to go. I'll see ya back at the dorm," she retorted and left.

I sat alone at the table, and finished my coffee. I turned my head around in response to a familiar voice. It was Alex. He was sitting at the table in the corner with some girl, who's back was towards me. He was laughing and wiping something from her face. He caught my eyes, looking over at him.

"Jess," he said, kind of shocked.

I forced a smile back at him. The girl turned around. It was Ruby. I should've figured. I could tell that she liked him from my first day here, but I never thought he liked her back. But I can't be mad; I'm the one who broke up with Alex. I've moved on. He should too. Ruby's face dropped when she realized it was me.

"Jess," she giggled nervously. "Alex and I are just here to... uhh.. he's helping me with..."

"Relax. You don't have to hide anything from me. You guys can go on a date if you want," I said, keeping my cool.

"I'm sorry. I was going to tell you soon, I swear," she said defensively.

"You have nothing to be sorry about," I said and looked at Alex. A look of relief spread across Ruby's face, when she realized I wasn't upset with her.

He smiled at me, "How have you been?" he said in his gentleman-like way.

"Pretty good, you?" I asked calmly.

"Good," he said.

"Good," I replied.

There was a short moment of awkwardness, where we all exchanged glances.

"Well I should go, but I'll see you two around then I guess," I said politely, and turned to walk out the shop.

"Jess!" Alex shouted.

I turned back around with an expectant look on my face.

He paused for a second, contemplating what he was going to say. He looked at Ruby, remembering her presence. "Nevermind. I'll see ya around."


On my way to art, I became more and more upset. I didn't like seeing Alex with Ruby. It shouldn't bother me, but it did. I kind of understand why Tyler thought it would be best if Madison didn't know about us. It's not exactly comforting to know your ex is with someone else. It wasn't comforting to me, and I was the one who broke up with Alex. Madison was still crazy for Tyler, and he had chosen me. I can imagine how much that would hurt her.

I walked into Mr. Arden's classroom, with a more positive attitude. We were supposed to get with our partners right away. I walked over to Madison's table, and sat down beside her.

"So what were you thinking for our project? I was thinking maybe--"

"Cut the crap," she said flatly. "Don't pretend that we don't have a history."

"Well, I was hoping we could put that all behind us, you know, for the sake of the project."

"Put it all behind us?" she spat. "You took the love of my life away from me!"

Suddenly pissed at her accusation I stopped playing nice, "Oh please. I didn't take anything from you. He chose me over you. Yeah that's right, he chose me. And if I remember correctly, I knew and liked him far longer than you. If anyone should be accused of "stealing," it should be you!"

"You little.." she shouted, loud enough for the entire class to hear.

"Excuse me?" Mr. Arden interrupted. "What is going on here?"

"Nothing," I said firmly, and shot Madison a glare, hoping that she wouldn't make a scene out of this.

"Are we sure?" Mr. Arden raised his eyebrows disapprovingly.

"Yeah, it's nothing," Madison finally said.

"Good. Carry on everyone," called Mr. Arden.

"How did you do it? What makes you better than me?" she began to tear up.

"Listen, I'm sorry," I began.

"Me too," she sighed, "Are you guys really dating now?"

"I think so, I mean, yeah."

"You should go for it, he's a really nice guy. I know I'm overreacting, but it's just... hard," she wiped a tear from her eye.

"I completely understand. I just saw my ex on a date with my one friend today. I mean I'm completely in love with Tyler, but it still felt like a slap in the face."

"It's just that he made me feel so special, and it hurts thinking that he was probably thinking about you the whole time."

"That's not true, one bit. Tyler wouldn't do that. I know him. If he told you he loved you, then believe me, he loved you. I hadn't even been in his life the past few years, while you guys were together. He'd given up on me, and I'd given up on him. For all it's worth, when I told him you were my partner, he asked that I don't tell you that we were dating. He didn't want to hurt you. Trust me, he cares about you, and him breaking up with you had nothing to do with me. Love just doesn't always last forever."

Madison broke a smile. "Thanks."

She paused for a minute.

"We should really get started on this project, huh?"

I laughed, "That would probably be a good idea."

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