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The concert was epic. It lasted until almost one in the morning. I was exhausted, having had just a small amount of sleep the night before.

As we were getting into Julia's car, I decided to keep Alex company in the back for the ride home. He held my hand. I was exhausted. There was so much traffic on the highway, and it looked like there had been an accident up ahead. I leaned my head against Alex's shoulder. Even in the dark, I could see his blue eyes gazing down at me. I saw Julia watching us in her rearview mirror and smiling.

The car had moved literally four feet in the past ten minutes. My eyes were heavy. "House of Gold" was still stuck in my head from the concert. I shut my eyes, and I could hear it starting to rain. I was trying to stay awake, but I couldn't. The next moment, I was being shaken awake by Alex. I lifted my head off his shoulder, and dazedly pulled my phone out of my back pocket. It was 2:13 am. Had we really been in the car that long?

It was still raining, heavier now. We were parked in the street near Julia's dorm. Alex and I had about an eight minute walk to ours. No one had an umbrella. I thanked Julia for driving and told her that I'd see her around the campus. Alex and I turned to walk towards Ritner Hall. 

"So what'd you think?" I asked him in a half-asleep voice. 

"They were... really good actually. I wish that I could've met them with you guys. Did you get any pictures?"

I nodded my head yes, and told Alex that I'd show him tomorrow. I wasn't risking damaging my phone from the rain. My hair was dripping by the time we got to my dorm. Alex wrapped me up in a wet hug. I made my way up to Floor 11. My mascara was smeared everywhere from the rain. My hair was a wet, knotted mess. Kara was already sleeping. I didn't was to wake her and  was too tired to take a shower, so I just changed into my pajamas and quickly fell asleep. 


I awoke to the sound of my phone vibrating against my wooden desk. We forgot to close the curtains last night and the beams of sun were blaring obnoxiously into the room. I didn't make it to my phone in time. When I finally did, I had three missed calls and two voicemails from my mother. I forgot to text her back last night. A smile spread across my face when I also saw a "Good Morning" text from Tyler. 

Kara was on her bed typing on her laptop. 

"Morning," she said.

"Hey, sorry that I got in so late last night. I hope I didn't wake you."

"No, I didn't even hear ya. How was the concert?" she asked. 

I told her all about it, and then decided to return my mom's phone calls. She told me how worried I made her, asked me about the concert, and about college in general. I did my best to persuade her that everything was going great, and that wasn't a lie. After we disconnected, I took a shower and straightened up my half of our room. Kara and I decided to grab breakfast at the Starbucks downtown. 

I had a croissant and caramel latte. My phone buzzed again on the table. 

Tyler: Hey, wanna meet up sometime today? 

Me: Yeah, sure. When and where? 

Tyler: Well Josh and I have an interview this morning, but we could meet up at... say 2? We could meet you downtown to walk around and catch up. 

Me: 2 sounds great! Meet me outside the bookstore. 

After breakfast, Kara and I walked back. 

"So are you and Alex becoming a thing?" she asked. 

"I don't know. I kind of hope so," I said shyly. 

She smiled, "You guys would be cute." 

"Thanks," I laughed, "How about you? Are you dating anyone?" 

"Yeah, but I think I need to end it. It's this boy from my high school. Long distance just isn't working for us," Kara explained.  

"I was dating this guy, Carter, before I came here. We'd been together for two whole years, but our relationship wasn't working out at the end, and we were parting ways to go to college, so I just broke up with him. I miss him though," I said sadly. 

Kara was meeting up with some of her friends, so I decided to just go up to our room until it was time to meet Tyler and Josh. Once up in the dorm, I checked my Facebook and Instagram feed. I hadn't had time for social networking since I got here. I returned some of the texts I had received in the past few days from my old high school friends.

Later, Alex called to see what I was up to. I told him that I was meeting up with the boys in about an hour. His response sounded upset, which annoyed me a little. He sounded jealous, and we weren't even dating. Frustrated, I told him I had to go, and I'd see him tomorrow. 

It was 1:45 and I decided to take the bus downtown; I was tired of walking everywhere, and most people didn't just drive their cars around campus. I got to the bookstore a few minutes before two and waited on the bench outside.

Time had passed, and it was nearly 2:15. Uggh, where were they? They'd better not be blowing me off. I got increasingly annoyed as each second passed. I might've pissed off Alex to do this and they weren't even here. It was 2:23. I told myself that maybe they got lost, but that was unlikely. They both went to college here as freshmen two years ago. Then, they dropped out to pursue their music dreams. My phone lit up. 

Tyler: Jess! I'm so sorry. We got held up at the interview, but if you're not mad, we are coming! We should be there in 10 mins, tops. 

I didn't know if I was annoyed or not, but I ended up replying. I said that I was running late myself and would see them soon. 

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