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The line went dead. I had just made arrangements with my mom that I would come home for the weekend. As my parents' only child, I was greatly missed. I really wasn't looking forward to going home. Alex had just asked me out officially last night, and I wanted to spend my weekend with him. I knew that my mom would flip if I brought him home, so I didn't even bring it up. 

There was a sharp knock on the door. It was probably Alex. He was going to walk me to class this morning. He greeted me with a gentle kiss. Our lips fit together quite perfectly and the way I felt kissing him was greater than anything I've ever experienced. I grabbed my jacket and we headed towards the elevator. 

I told Alex that I was going home for the weekend. I was afraid he was going to ask to come, and I would hate to tell him "no." But he didn't, he just nodded his head. I would also have to let Tyler and Josh know that I wouldn't be able to make plans with them this weekend after all. 

We were almost at the building that my history class was in. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I began to pull it out, when Alex took my hand off of it. He held both of my hands and stared into my eyes with a smile. I moved in closer and leaned my head on his chest. He told me that he'd see me later tonight, and my hands slipped out of his as I walked away.

As I was walking to room 108, I read the text that was from Tyler. He asked about my weekend plans. I responded, apologizing for not being available and explained why. After no response, I turned my phone on silent for class and sat in my seat near the front. 

Mr. Snyder droned on about the United States' position during the Cold War, and I tuned him out, lost in my own complicated thoughts. I snuck out my phone to check if Tyler had responded, but all that appeared was my lockscreen of Alex and I. At the end of class, I dragged myself and my books all the way back to my dorm. A new message appeared on my phone.

Tyler: Oh that's cool that you're going home! You know I haven't seen my family in a while either, mind if I tag along? We don't have to hang out or anything, I would just need a ride there. 

It sounded like a great idea, but how would it fly with Alex? I guessed not too well, and I was right. I told Alex that Tyler was harmless. In the end, I was able to convince him that Tyler was ONLY riding there with me, and nothing more. I mean, that wasn't a lie. I'm sure Tyler really does want to see his family, and I need to spend time with mine. We won't have much or any time for each other. 

On Saturday morning, I kissed Alex goodbye and promised that I'd call him the second I was home. He was reluctant to let me leave, but couldn't do anything about it. My mom on the other hand was happy that Tyler was coming home. She really liked him and hadn't seen him in a really long time. I had asked if Josh wanted to come also, but he had plans with Molly this weekend, so it was just us two. 

I popped the trunk, for Tyler and I to put our duffel bags in, and we hopped in for the long ride back to Cambridge, MA. It was awkwardly silent at first, so I turned on the radio. Tyler was staring at me. I looked back at him, and his gaze remained locked on my face. 

"What?" I asked, kind of annoyed. 

"I don't know, I just miss seeing your face everyday. You, Jess, were my main motivation." he replied with complete confidence.

I laughed and kept driving. We went through a drive-thru at a Wendy's for lunch. We were about half way there. 

For most of the rest of the way, we talked about mostly general stuff including music, college, family, and friends. Tyler kept me really entertained with his great personality and sense of humor. I almost wish I could go back to the days where I could spend ten hours a day with this kid. I liked knowing him exclusively, before he was famous.

He interrupted my thought when he asked if I remembered the time that we played spin the bottle, and we kissed. I hadn't thought about that in a long time. He was, in fact, my first kiss, and I'm pretty sure I was his. We had a lot of good times. There were many times, growing up, that I questioned whether I had feelings for Tyler. After that kiss, I remember thinking about Tyler that way. I would picture us all grown up, married, living in a small house in a small, simple town. Never did I know that he was going to be a professional singer/songwriter. I mean I always loved their music, but the chances of being noticed and becoming popular seemed slim. 

I said that I did remeber the kiss, and we reminisced many other memories all the way back. Just before we pulled up in front of his house, he said, "I just have to ask. Are you and Alex dating? Because if you are, I might have to work very hard to keep myself from falling for you." 

I didn't know what to say. 

"Yeah, we are dating," I said awkwardly. 

"Okay," he shrugged, thanked me for the ride, and ran up to his front door. 

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