21. Prove you wrong

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Her face is hard to read when she doesn’t even look up at me, just straight forward at the wall in front of her. A chair that is placed there for me to take a seat.

Inside a small room- Y/n’s POV
Lucas: Y/n, what are you doing here?

Y/n: I wanted to talk to you *looks away*

Lucas: you haven’t called in three to four days, suddenly showing up at work *sits down*

Y/n: it sounds bad, I was waiting for you to call

Lucas: am I the one who is supposed to do everything? *scoffs*

Y/n: No, I just thought you would call

Lucas: you don’t like me, why would I even bother?

Y/n: I just came to explain why I was so mean and-

Lucas: there isn’t much time, even if I asked for it

Y/n: I have some problems, ehm…with relationship especially with well-known people *exhales deeply*

Lucas: (Alexandre told me about them this morning) *shows her to keep going*

Y/n: I was deeply in love with a guy who didn’t like me, he was well-known, and he used that as a reason to not be in a relationship with me. He reminded me about you, but you are bolder and the spotlight, if you understand

Lucas: I see where this will go-

Y/n: everything you did, is what he did. We looked like a couple, but he didn’t have any feelings for me. Just as a friend-

Lucas: I confessed to you though

Y/n: Which made me unsure since nobody says "I love you" that fast. We only started as friends a week ago or less

Lucas: I was quick and you didn't say it back. Didn't even say I like you

Y/n: it is because I felt like if we kept going on with our relationship I might end up with a broken heart and another person who leaves me

Lucas: Y/n, the rest I have to do is wait for you. Let's not waste time on this conversation *stands up*

Y/n: there is no use like you say, a relationship with me doesn’t exist

Lucas: *stands beside the door with his back turned at Y/n* then I will be the first one to prove you wrong and the rest of the world wrong, I will give you time

Y/n: *the door gets closed* He will never give up, just give up Lucas!

Lucas: (silly Y/n, thought I would give up on her, never) *runs back to the rest*

Author’s point of view-
Just like Lucas said he gave her three more days to figure out her feelings. She used the time to sort out her feelings and thoughts, like she promised Alexandre she would.

Both of them studied hard and wanted to pass the class with a full score. There were more assignments than before and that would give them extra points.

Working with the economy is harder than you think. WayV was working hard to please fans and cheer them up during a hard time. Making music and filming their laughter helped fans a lot. Enjoying life somehow, they still felt lost and gone.

Missing each other every second they had time to think. Lucas started his comeback with Y/n after those three days. Every morning he sent a message saying good morning, during the afternoon he asked if Y/n ate, and during the night it was him wishing her a good night's sleep.

But none of his messages got a reply, each time he got a notification he was hoping with was Y/n that was ready for them. But no replay, no voicemail, and no calls. He wasn’t giving up but rather focusing on something else like music.

He got to the point that he even messaged her that he loves Y/n, but no reply on that message either. Xiaojun saw how desperate Lucas was at the start, but now it looks like he doesn’t even care.

Xiaojun kind of blames himself for making them walk down the rough path, so Xiaojun had to find a way to help. He can’t sit around doing nothing when he saw them both happy together.

Unknown Caller (Lucas) WayV 2Where stories live. Discover now