24. Running

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Y/n: did he just write all that by himself? *turns the letter around*

The back side of the letter: PS: Xiaojun helped me with the start 😊

Y/n: I knew my boy couldn’t write this touching so fast and good

Author’s point of view-
After Y/n received the letter from Lucas, she kind of felt guilty. Knowing Lucas is going to travel around the world meeting other women, other females and other human beings, kind of made her insecure.

Either way, she couldn't feel this feeling because she told Lucas says this is supposed to be over and nothing of their relationship is going to last. Of course, Lucas didn’t care what she said about him giving up because he was aiming at her.

He wrote the letter knowing that he would touch her hard more than a stupid text message would. Lucas is fully confident that she still loves him and that they will be happy together, a part of him is on and off because she's a complicated human being as she said herself.

On the other hand, Y/n is trying to also help Alexandra fix her love drama. Both of them came to South Korea to study the economy but instead they ended up falling for someone they weren't supposed to fall for. Both unknown people unknown messages and unknown calls made them all fall in love.

After Y/n read the letter properly, she read it more than once. She wanted to understand what Lucas meant by the words he placed in the letter, maybe thinking it's a bigger meaning behind them.

Xiaojun helps Lucas write the letter that means that he's quite emotional and he knows how to place the words for someone to understand them with a bigger meaning behind them. either way, she was having some choices inside her head wondering if she should go into action or just text messaging back “have a safe trip”.

But no longer did she feel like her feelings should be locked inside when Lucas is always confronting her with his feelings. Just as fast as the lightning she grabbed her keys and ran out of the house without telling Alexandra.

Running and running and running at the last moment she was out of bread looking for a taxi near so she could meet him before he leaves but there is no taxi near.

That did not stop her she kept her running in burning in there she was just in a moment right in front of her eyes Lucas stood with his shining Brown hair fancy clothing's in mosque glasses in a bucket head just like the first time they meet.

SM entertainment- Authors point of view
Y/n: Wait, you aren’t going, now are you?

Lucas: I knew my lady would come back *smiles*

Xiaojun: I also knew because I am a good writer

Y/n: *breathing heavily* I just realized how far I ran to see you

Lucas: my letter touched your-


Xiaojun: You are on your own *takes his bag*

Lucas: want Yangyang to make you angry? *holds him*

Xiaojun: Fine, Y/n go on and yell *smiles*

Y/n: I didn’t come here to yell at you for being late when I said stay away

Xiaojun: Y/n, we have to get going at least in 10 minutes

Y/n: I will be quick, I got a strong feeling that I like you-

Lucas: *screams* YES! I KNEW IT!!!

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