2.10 Debut to pay

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Y/n: You can try once running away from your sweet boyfriend because you are working with your ex that is also his bandmate *sighs*

Back in the house- Lucas’s point of view
What am I thinking? All kinds of weird and crazy thoughts are in my mind after being stuck with Y/n in a tight closet. Her soft touch is the only thing on my mind and it makes me hate myself because I miss our close moments.

I feel like a pervert each time I look at her, but she suddenly looks more shy than usual. I feel like Y/n felt something at the moment, I can't be alone on this one.

When I open the door I see the manager with Yingzu talking about something. Y/n runs in and apologies to the manager for being late and using his time in a bad way.

The manager laughs and asks Y/n to not apologize because it was not her fault. In the car, she looked a bit shy and clueless now she looks nervous and stressed, how cute.

Just when I am about to take a seat beside her Yingzu comes with the phone and now I am in trouble.

The phone conversation-
Lucas: Why are you calling in the middle of the day? You usually call early in the morning when I am fully asleep Mother

Mother: Do I need time to call my son? Your father call and you never ask him why

Lucas: Well when dad calls he usually asks me how I am doing and when I am coming home. When you call you to ask if I brought any trouble or if I have any conflicts going on

Mother: how cruel of you to say that! I was going to ask how life is

Lucas: *looks at Y/n* Well life is back on track at least this is a good start

Mother: What do you mean?

Lucas: Have you ever felt like you lost something so precious to understand it's value

Mother: I didn’t love your father is that way so explain

Lucas: My manager hired someone to help me make my economy stable and we have started and it’s a good start *smiles*

Mother: I might be the rude one if you look at me and your father, but why does this sound like trouble? How is this connected to you losing something precious?

Lucas: See, whatever I do you think I will cause problems and issues. I am old enough to deal with-

Y/n: *screams* Lucas! We don’t have the best amount of time!

Mother: is that a female voice? Son you better-

Lucas: I have to go now mom, call me next time you think I will cause problems *hangs up*


Manager: The company pays for the stage clothing, such as the dorm for WayV is paid by the company and-

Lucas: did I miss out on a lot?

Y/n: Yeah, the fact that you bought this house while being short on money and then you have a debut to pay up!

Lucas: right I totally forgot since I had this debut before I dropped out of school

Y/n: I can't believe you only became an idol so that you didn’t have to go to school

Manager: he has the talent and he is loved by his fans. He is making good loads of money

Lucas: So what will we do now?

Unknown Caller (Lucas) WayV 2Where stories live. Discover now