22. Blame myself

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Xiaojun kind of blames himself for making them walk down the rough path, so Xiaojun had to find a way to help. He can’t sit around doing nothing when he saw them both happy together.

At the same café as the last time- Y/n’s point of view
Y/n: is there no other Cafes than this one?

Xiaojun: I think everyone got used to it, but we can-

Y/n: it doesn’t matter, it’s the same drink

Xiaojun: where is your friend? Alexandra?

Y/n: dealing with her love problems

Xiaojun: Oh…. shouldn’t you do that too?

Y/n: did Lucas ask you to do this?

Xiaojun: No, we don’t talk about your relation regularly

Y/n: then why would you bring it up?

Xiaojun: I told you everything, which I shouldn’t

Y/n: I had to know one way or another *sips her drink*

Xiaojun: I am friend with both of you guys, I got a feeling that you two will make each other happy and good

Y/n: You know better than anyone I want a lot, I am complicated

Xiaojun: Lucas sees that as a challenge, I hope you will give him another chance

Y/n: he isn’t the problem, it’s me-

Xiaojun: then give yourself a chance to try before leaving

Y/n: he is better off without me *drinks her coffee*

Xiaojun: you make everything complicated when you stand in your own way…. give it another thought. If you don’t do this for you and Lucas, do it for me then *lays his hand over Y/n’s hand*

Y/n: Xiaojun, I will think about it…. you should get back to work

Xiaojun: call me or text me if you need anything *waves*

Xiaojun leaves with a smile on his face hoping I will change my mind. He knows where I have him, uses my weak spot to get what he wants. But it's not selfish, he uses this for Lucas.

Xiaojun is a person with a lot of feelings so he either keeps it to himself or tells someone all of it. He seemed shy and closed, but he is very funny and his voice is on another level.

I started as a stranger, but we got to know each other since I don’t care about music, I didn’t know who he was. Either way, our relationship is well and good, Xiaojun has helped me a lot. Life isn’t easy, always some problems or conflicts to solve or clean up.

Life is unfair making me lose so many people, sometimes it might be my fault. But each time I let someone good it's because I know we won't have a happy ending and I don’t want to see our sad ending.

Since life is so hard, it will be worst to spend it with me. I am unlovable because I won't let someone love me, I am scared to hurt their feelings and I am also scared to go into them too deeply.

At the dorm-
Alexandra: Hey, you got a letter *hands her the letter*

Y/n: For me? Here in South Korea?? *opens up*

Alexandra: I will take a shower, you should read it

Y/n: yeah sure, the bathroom is slippery watch out

Alexandra: Yeah, I will be fine don’t worry

Y/n: *reads the letter*

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